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Thread: Offering Not So Sloppy But Not So Great Sigs

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  1. #1
    Lambjimb0's Avatar
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    Offering Not So Sloppy But Not So Great Sigs

    So... Once upon I time I considered myself an artist. I doodle from time to time. Nothing to write home about. Uh, I have some shooping skills. I can render like a boss, cause most times I do it myself to make sure it's perfect...i can't do the extreme gloss makeovers of overdoing colors and rainbows and such you may find from master shoopers. I can do a fairly decent job if you want to take the chance with me. Just give as much details as you can of what you're hoping for. With atleast one picture reference. I'd say probably the most you'd want is 3. And I'll try to get examples put out of how to claim details, and what a good picture reference could be. Cause I don't want to get your hopes up when you drop a picture with a ton of detail or needing a ton of cropping...the details I'll try and get a clear format written out too. So we can be on the same page or close to it.

    Depending on the work and such I should be able to drop them with a day or two. I have my own work examples I'll try and find later, other then the few you may or may not seen with mine.

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I'll try and get this updated ASAP.

    CAG Dogg Level: 42 [?]
    Experience: 2,671,540
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  2. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Lambjimb0 For This Fucking Post:

    Batman_OnA_Stick (July 18th, 2016),CAG NIGHTHAWK (July 18th, 2016),Ghost (July 18th, 2016),SoulCaster05 (July 21st, 2016),xPARCHx (July 17th, 2016)

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