Just bought myself a brand new ps3. I am Fucking done with xbox. I have payed HUNDREDS of $ trying to sort my problems out on shitbox. But now when they start banning me for having the Gamertag SGT potato (remember that cheechdog?) it starts getting a little bit off. I just purchased Black Ops 2 today for Xbox. But tomorrow im going to exchange it for a Ps3 version.
In the past many weeks or so, I have been trying to access my accounts, and when I did, something idiotic happens a few days later. I got access to my account a week ago, and 2 days later I was banned for offensive bio, that said "Eye Kill Newbs". What The Fuckery.
Im actually happy to be gone from xXL3GITSCOPEZZ42069Xx
So, i guess that means i cant be apart of the clan anymore. this was a fantastic place