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Thread: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

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  1. #1
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

    Matt Liebl profile Posted by: Matt Liebl

    A recent rumor surrounding voice actor Bill Murray outing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 is "interesting, but not true", according to Infinity Ward.

    Yesterday, it was reported that Murray, who voiced Captain Price in the first three Modern Warfare games, told the website This is Xbox that he was "off to meet Infinity Ward about the next game, Modern Warfare 4."

    According to the site, Murray said he was "doing work on the sequel to Modern Warfare 3, it carries on and I only ever appear in the Modern Warfare games."

    As you can imagine, the supposed quote — which was never verified with Activision or Infinity Ward — spread around the internet like wild fire. In response to the growing speculation, Infinity Ward posted on Twitter: "Interesting news today, but it's not true. We've not talked with any voice actors, so all news is speculation."

    Infinity Ward community coordinator Candice Capen, in response to suggestions that the original site made up the conversation, defended: "I wasn't there, but I do know us nor Activision has spoken to him at all since Modern Warfare 3."

    So now it all becomes a he said, she said game. Do you believe Bill Murray told the website that he was on his way to meet with with Infinity Ward regarding Modern Warfare 4? They did have a picture with him, though I do admit his quote seemed somewhat odd. Or do you believe Infinity Ward in that the "news" is nothing more than false speculation?

    As I said yesterday, it's not too hard to believe that Activision and Infinity Ward are already work on next year's installment. And seeing as it's Infinity Ward's turn, I could definitely see it being a Modern Warfare sequel.

    With Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 due out next month, I'm sure they'd avoid talking about next year's installment until Black Ops 2 releases — even if the rumors are true.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    It's Sledge Hammer supposedly (rumored) to be working on the next Call Of Duty, I doubt Infinity Ward has the man power to build again "alone" without help. I have very low expectations for MW4 if their is one, Not buying it. I'm sticking with Black Ops 2 for the next 2 years.

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    Nothing new happened in MW3 and a MW4 would be something I would just completely laugh off and not even bother with this time around. If Black Ops 2 turns out to be as bad as GRFS, MoH or MW3 I am going to seriously hurt someone.

    They need to start making just multiplayer games as stand alones separate from single player games that way the just focus on one thing only. I would not mine paying $60 for a game that was just for online play and no single player.

    All that extra memory and space they could use for single player and mp as stand alone products would do each game type justice.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

    I agree with you Cheech, I honestly play multiplayer 90% of time & it's the reason I buy games that have a solid multiplayer game foundation

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    Batman1189's Avatar
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    I really hope they fix the problems they are having, but I do know this that the regular people who just play to play will continue to pay 60 dollars for the game and not really care what happens. So what that being said Infinity Ward will not care about the crappy games they continue to produce as long as their profit margin continues to grow. I wish I understood how to make a game because for one would love to go to that company and tell them how to really make a game.
    Sorry I haven't been online in awhile the internet here sucks. It takes an hour to log in. I will continue to post as much as possible.

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

    As I much I liked their COD 4 game and some of MW2 before the hackers destroyed it, it's gonna take them something outta their butt to make new innovations. Don't get me wrong I like urban modern warfare but I just don't know at this point since mw3 was mw2.5.. They did take a step somewhat In The right direction but hopefully with the new consoles coming out(few years) .

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 rumors 'not true', says Infinity Ward

    I mean just look at what leap Treyarch made from the original Black Ops to Black Ops 2.

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  9. #8
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    Very true Treyarch wants no game play and different things inside the game. I think Infinity Ward tried to do that with the Assault, Support, and Specialist Kill streaks, however they only added those cool things to the same crappy game programming.

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    Very true Treyarch wants new game play and different things inside the game. I think Infinity Ward tried to do that with the Assault, Support, and Specialist Kill streaks, however they only added those cool things to the same crappy game programming.

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