Okay,(damn I need a new way to start my post lol) I know this idea has been before, but I've been messing around on the internet and found some good FPS games that are free for PC. And I'm making a list of the ones I've played and think are good for a free game. So of them don't even need a great PC to play them on.
1. Wolf Team (sci-fi) http://wolfteam.aeriagames.com/
2. Battlefield Heros (WW2) http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/frontpage/landingPage
3. Alliance of Valiant Arms (Modern) http://ava.ijji.com/
4. America's Army (Modern/Realistic)[Must have a good PC] http://www.americasarmy.com/
5. Soldier Front (Modern) http://sfront.ijji.com/
6. Combat Arms (Modern) http://combatarms.nexon.net/default.aspx
For more look at....... http://mmohut.com/games/shooter