If anyone's needs a person to play with please add me on Xbox LIVE. My gamertag is lNFINITExSHOT (don't mistake the first letter for an I, it's a lowercase L). Looking forward to playing with some of you .
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They wont be adding you since you are not even in the clan. It is up to you to add the right people to your friends list.
K0NV1CTXx (October 14th, 2012),Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (October 14th, 2012)
bluedevil80 (October 15th, 2012)
Might sound harsh but we have to weed out the people who are not going to be active from day one today. I have had enough with people wanting to join, they get in and never show up for shit. Sorry but not anymore!....
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