Total Control is a small LLC who is the designer/owner/producer of "Grip Its" for both XBOX 360 and PS3 controllers. Some of you may have heard of these or even use them, but if you haven't look them up. I play video games religiously and absolutely CANNOT play without Grip Its on my 360 controller. I play without my $250 Turtle Beaches and $100 Gunnar glasses 99% of the time but have Grip Its on 100%. These guys invented an amazing product but need you the gamer to purchase these to stay afloat! I fully support this Company and their "Made in the USA" products!! I will include a link to their website but would greatly appreciate showing them some support and buying a few sets! I will be purchasing 100 sets to give away around Christmas in an undetermined event, so stay tuned for that!
If you're interested, here is the promised link to their site: