THE NEW COMMAND STRUCTURE is ready to for viewing. Do not take this lightly, anyone not following this structure will be removed from the Clan.
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THE NEW COMMAND STRUCTURE is ready to for viewing. Do not take this lightly, anyone not following this structure will be removed from the Clan.
Today we are going to take a look at a very detailed breakdown of the Ranks and its system for all CAG Members. In this post I will cover Ranks and Billets. The Ranks for CAG Members range from a recruit all the way to the Commander of CAG. So lets go ahead and take a look at this breakdown of the Ranking system.
Recruits make up a very large group in CAG. They are the future of CAG's existence and are a very vital group. Starting February 2010, all recruits must qualify and earn their Marksman Badge before being accepted as privates. Once a recruit is accepted as a private, he will be assigned as the pointman of a FireTeam.
Enlisted Doggs
Enlisted Troops "Doggs" are the basic infantry men that make up the bulk of CAG. Just like in the Marines, the majority of the Enlisted Troops "Doggs" rank from private to Sergeant Major of the Corps which is a Billet and special Rank.
The first set of enlisted Troops "Doggs" are privates, private 1st Class, Lance Corporals and are considered Junior enlisted "Doggs". Only the Lance Corporal can hold a Unit Leadership role as FireTeam Leader.
The second set of enlisted Troops "Doggs" are Corporal and Sergeant. These two Ranks are considered Non-commissioned Officers. In CAG, (NCO's) hold Squad sized Leadership roles and are considered the primary Unit Leaders in CAG. They Are responsible for the training of the Junior Enlisted Troops "Doggs" and the execution of the mission at hand. Game planning for matches begins with the FireTeam and Squad Leaders.
The third set of enlisted Troops "Doggs" are the Staff Non Commissioned Officers that range from Staff Sergeant to the Sergeant Major of the Corps. These are the Senior Enlisted Troops "Doggs" and are the most loyal and honorable of the Troops "Doggs" in CAG. They hold Staff positions and Billets including but not limited to recruiters, trainers, website staff and moderators and large scale Unit Leaders.
The fourth set is Warrant Officers. Warrant Officers provide leadership and training in specialized fields and skills. They can serve as Infantry Weapons Officers who help train or as a "Dogg Gunner" who is an expert in every weapon available to the Clan. The also serve as Platoon and Company Commanders and are responsible for the overall success of the Corps by organizing practices, training sessions and mandatory weapons qualifications.
The 5th and final set are the Commissioned Officers. They range from 2nd Lieutenant to Admiral and is the most trusted group in CAG. They have access to confidential and restricted areas of the Clan's website and possess the ability to completely run the Clan without supervision and can make decisions at their own discretion.
This group currently has only 12 very trusted Troops "Doggs" and have shown great Leadership and loyalty to the Clan. Being assigned to this group can only be done by the Commander of CAG and it is very difficult to earn.
Aside from the Ranks we have Billets for all Troops "Doggs". Billets refer to the position and weapons of the members of a unit. They include the FireTeam Leader (M16 w/M203 attachment), pointman-rifleman (M16), automatic rifleman (M249 SAW) also serves as the 2nd in command of the Unit and a assistant rifleman or automatic rifleman.
CAG allows Troops "Doggs" in a Unit their weapon of choice just as long as they are proficient with that weapon. On SOCOM the FireTeam Leader has game restrictions that do not allow him to be equiped with the M203 grenade launcher. On most other games the FireTeam Leaders must be equiped with the M203 attatchement for their assault rifle of choice.
Other Billets in CAG are assaultman; explosive and demolition experts who are the "run and gun" Troops "Doggs" in the Unit. Scout Snipers are expert Marksman who are allowed to use the sniper rifle because of their excellent Marksmanship that is earned after completing the Marksman Weapons Qualication. They can switch classes at any time according to the situation they are facing and are allowed complete freedom during matches.
Designated Marksman (DM)is a very important Billet for CAG. A (DM) is a specialist trained exclusively for mid to long range shooting and enemy acquisition. They serve a double role of general infantry to marksmanship. Generally equipped with the modified M14 rifle, they can choose their weapon of choice for mid to long range shooting. These are some of the most lethal weapons available in CAG and no one is safe once they are in their sights!
bonobo617 (May 2nd, 2016),Chirdaki187 (March 14th, 2016),FrankCastle (May 20th, 2016)
I'm thinking for MW2 you should allow the option of the M16 or the M4. Both are used by the US military so I see no problem with letting them use either. The M4 is a more reliable weapon for HC TDM IMO.
DroppinSuga wrote:
I'm thinking for MW2 you should allow the option of the M16 or the M4. Both are used by the US military so I see no problem with letting them use either. The M4 is a more reliable weapon for HC TDM IMO.
I am actually allowing any assault rifle to be used instead of the M16 since this is just a game. I am going to make it mandatory that the FireTeam Leaders always have the M203 attachment. We have to also have at least one "auto-rifleman" and one sure shot sniper. We all know right now who that "SN1PER" is going to be :woohoo: .
Droppin, what class do you feel the most comfortable with? As a regular rifleman, auto, assault or sniper? I was thinking of always having you and SN1PER paired of during games when both of you are on. When not, I would have you paired off with me, we seem to work very well together.
Ok I will talk to you later.
CheechDogg wrote:
I'm the most comfortable using the FAL with red dot. I don't like using the supressor on it because I could care less if they know where I am, because let them bring it, haha. I'd rather they come a runnin' to me so I can pick them all off, lol.DroppinSuga wrote:
I'm thinking for MW2 you should allow the option of the M16 or the M4. Both are used by the US military so I see no problem with letting them use either. The M4 is a more reliable weapon for HC TDM IMO.
I am actually allowing any assault rifle to be used instead of the M16 since this is just a game. I am going to make it mandatory that the FireTeam Leaders always have the M203 attachment. We have to also have at least one "auto-rifleman" and one sure shot sniper. We all know right now who that "SN1PER" is going to be :woohoo: .
Droppin, what class do you feel the most comfortable with? As a regular rifleman, auto, assault or sniper? I was thinking of always having you and SN1PER paired of during games when both of you are on. When not, I would have you paired off with me, we seem to work very well together.
Ok I will talk to you later.
I have no problem being pair with Schmo, but I almost think that's overkill since we're both higher ups in the clan. I think it would make more sense to have a lower rank paired up with Schmo and let me pair up with someone else. Just my thoughts.
Ok, you both will be mentoring 2 others then. So think about who it will be you guys will be paring off with and always stay in the same area during a match for that particular map. We need to get more organized. I have no problems with the way things are now, but we have lost some games were we could of won but we did not follow our gameplan.
We need to know how to keep our composure and play are camping game. That is what we do best and not only us but the great Clans do it as well too. We are not playing Search and Destroy were you have to be aggressive. This gametype allows us to set up our perimeter and hold it down to get the win. I am going to start drawing up some gameplans for every map, and I am going to need you, SN1PER, pervysage200 and others to draw up a strategy based on each map. We are going to all have assigned areas of responsibility which will always have us around each other if we go down.
The way the respawing works is pretty simple. You stay stationary in an area for a certain amount of time, anyone that dies will respawn next to the player with the least movement. Setting up a "line" and holding it down works even in a game.
Batman_OnA_Stick (March 15th, 2016),Bigmak2420 (March 15th, 2016),CAG JB (March 15th, 2016),HakunaMatataDoe (March 15th, 2016),PATRON (March 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (March 15th, 2016)
PATRON (March 15th, 2016)
PATRON (March 15th, 2016)
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