All the dates and times of events will be available for members here. It is the responsibility of all members of CAG to know such dates and times. These events will include but are not limited to: meetings, training sessions, and voting days to determine when recruits are ready to become Privates in the Clan. Meetings will also be held to announce promotions and all members are required to attend these events to avoid receiving demerit points which could lead to removal from the Clan after accumulating three. Members who can not attend these events are required to notify their Team Leaders in advance as to why they can not attend the event. Notifying Team Leaders when members can not attend events can help them avoid receiving demerit points.These events will also be used to announce what each members role in the Clan will be. Recruits are strongly urged to understand how this calendar works, since their evaluation and assestment period does not end until they are Privates.

If any member has anything to add to this calendar, please send ideas or feedbacks to or post them here. Members are strongly encouraged to contribute as much as they can to these events. Check back for more information on a daily basis. You never know when an emergency meeting or event will be held if you don't check the calendar. Remember, it is your responsibility to know what is going on with CAG.