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Thread: So what's new

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    So what's new

    Other than BF what's the game everyone is playing?

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  2. #2
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    Minecraft? lol...I actually jumped on MW3 yesterday for a few hours and I ended up in a lobby where I picked up a few guys who worked great, communicated great and we handled business for a while.
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  3. #3
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    Re: So what's new

    Outstanding. I tried to play COD over my boys crib and I just can't get into it its changed Sooo much. The emphasis of kill streaks killed it for me COD MW was my favorite but the story lines are pretty epic

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  4. #4
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    The only thing about MW3 is that if the Clan is not around I can play it and still have decent games because it is an aggressive player's game. I can run around if I want and get kills by just spraying lol...I don't like high pace games like this but if I am not with the clan what else can I do?

    I can either play alone on BF3 and get my ass whooped without the clan or get on mw3 and not get my ass whooped without the clan.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. #5
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Oh how gaming has changed into a fast paced, action packed, run n' gun event! I know a lot of people don't enjoy playing that style (I too miss the "camp" style of gaming).....but as a competitive player I must adapt to the new trends. It is far different being aggressive than the wait and ambush style, but even the match sites have moved in favor of the high scoring style. They place minimum scoring on their sites to promote it. Seems like an adapt or die technique.

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  7. #6
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    That is why it is so hard to find dedicated gamers to get a comp team. As much as people say that it is fun to run-n-gun the fact is that it is not.

    Instead of taking steps forward eSports is taking steps back. I personally do not like fast pace games that end in 4 mins, where is the fun in that?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  8. #7
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    The Run N' Gun style is very fun to me if I have the "good team" lol. But seeing as I play with randoms every game the team balance is a roll of the dice. I have a 1.78 so I can play well under pretty much any condition but a team of communicating, skilled team players would be very nice!

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  9. #8
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    Yeah dude, but the k/d ratio is the same for me and I don't run around. I rather play a game in which everyone is on the same page and I don't get killed from behind like we used to do on black ops.

    Running around to me is just not fun, while I don't mind it from time to time it is not my definition of fun while gaming. I just played with some randoms on mw3 the last 2 days and we communicated and did very little running. When you communicate knowing were to go is seemingly easy and allows you to not have to worry about the other team spawn killing or killing you from behind.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  10. #9
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Oh I agree 100% but with the MW3 spawn system it only takes one teammate to enter the enemy spawn and BAM! they are spawning behind/next to your team! I haven't found one random team that gets that concept so we all have to run or we get spawned on. That's why spawn trapping is so successful on MW3. I have a love/hate relationship with both gaming styles seeing as they both have their pros and cons. However, I just love to game so I just decide what style to play on the teams in the game and make the best of what I got.

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  11. #10
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    Dude but when we play MW3 and we stick as far back as possible on any map they don't spawn behind us. The key is to have the team leader sit back and pretty much quarterback the fucking team and watch what is going on. If someone is moving up too far you call them back, if someone is down you have someone slide over.

    You have to be able to adapt on the fly and trust your teammates. I rarely have those moments when we play as a team that the other team spawns behind us.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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