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Thread: What games are everyone anticipating

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  1. #11
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Halo 4 : Promising to be tailored to the competitive gamers seeking more than just a campaign, Halo 4 promises to be one of the most highly anticipated game releases of the year. 343 Industries designed this game by listening to what hardcore Halo fans wanted. Bringing back and then improving weapons like the BR, steering clear of pulling the multiplayer maps from the campaign by creating maps from scratch specific for fast/intense competition, and adding a new twist to the story mode (Forerunners).....343 has outdone themselves on this title.

    Medal of Honor: Warfighter: I am personally highly anticipating this release as well. The trailers that have been released so far show amazing attention to detail with both the storyline and realism of the gameplay. In my opinion the multiplayer seems pretty similar to the Call of Duty series but add new killstreaks and original tweaks to keep it MoH and not overly identical to COD series games. It's also a plus they have nabbed popular band Linkin Park to promote the game.

    Call of Duty Black Ops 2: Saving the best for last, Black Ops 2 is hands down the most anticipated title release of the year. Anyone who has watched the trailers of multiplayer matches or campaign sneak peeks knows this game is going to be epic. Yes it will be eerily similar to other cod series games but what else can they really do?? There hasn't been any new breakthrough with servers or console capabilities so they did the next best thing. The story takes place in the future (2025) and they were able to tie in the characters from Black Ops 1 into the future. Black Ops 2 has a fresh set of weapons, killstreaks, and perks design that is sure to entertain even the skeptics!! This is definitely the "Must Buy" of 2012.

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  3. #12
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    Out of those 3 I am more curious about Halo 4 for some reason. I know what black ops and moh are going to bring and Halo has yet to go back to its glory days when it was bad ass to play both online and offline.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  4. #13
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    They keep adding weapons trailers for it on the XBL dashboard and it looks very different from Halo Reach (which I hated). The weapons look very well designed and they added a list of fresh ones as well as other things. I will definitely buy it, but the Beta will determine if it's a wait in line for the midnight release game or a buy at convenience one!

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  5. #14
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    I have only seen like 2 trailers but I have to admit they looked pretty good for Halo 4. Black ops 2 is looking good though with the addition of the 3 team lobbies, does it have 4 teams too or just 3 vs 3 teams?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. #15
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    I agree, the Halo 4 trailers look very crisp and one thing I like that they have maintained is keeping the maps free off unnecessary clutter. The only thing I am concerned about is the speed of the multiplayer. With COD and other FPS games, expectations of quick game flow will lead to disappointment if Halo keeps their slower style. I'm not sure if they have a 4v4, but I like the ability to do picture in picture and listen in to friends communication during their games. I really think Black Ops 2 put a lot of thought and effort into making the title into the most competitive one in years, if not all time!

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  7. #16
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    Woah woah there cowboy....We haven't played black ops 2 fucker and it is already the most competitive one in years, if not all time!? WATTA DAH FAWK!

    While it looks like they have added some new shit to black ops, if you look at it, it is almost a carbon copy of GRFS which is not a bad thing. A little futuristic but not too much I have no problem with. I wish they got rid of the killstreeks though and those fucking perks.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  8. #17
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    I'm telling you, each COD game that comes out is more popular by numbers than the last so it will already beat out MW3 just based on that. Black Ops 1 appealed to an even bigger crowd than the MW series and with the focus on dramatic competitive play changes it will make that mark my friend!! While I personally would like to see the killstreaks and perks removed, it will never happen! From what I read about BO2 they have thrown the perks/attachment scheme for a loop and from the sounds of it people will really enjoy it. Also, since they will ALWAYS have killstreaks, I am glad these ones are new and refreshing. I just hope they have the assualt/support/specialist type setup that MW3 had.

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  9. #18
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    The only reason the game is so fucking popular is because a 4 year old can pick it up and play it.

    The game is more of an arcade style that a simulation, there is absolutely nothing realistic about any of the COD games. They never have and never will be.

    Killstreaks is what causes a lot of the glitching and hacking in COD games. The ranking up system is also a big time culprit of cheaters and glitchers. When you can get something that increases your chances of dominating the other team, in this case perks, it takes away the competitive atmosphere from the game.

    Absolutely no reason to have to do certain things to get perks. You always hear people crying online about " fucking assholes they have vests " or, " sob, they already have a chopper ". It is just not fun to play a game like that when the other team figures out a way to load up on perks and your team is too fucking stupid to even think about using different set ups to counter the other teams gameplay.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  10. #19
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Competitive gaming typically doesn't allow killstreaks, most of the cheaper perks, and bans the use of over-powered/no skill weapons....unfortunately to have a "fair game" only the competitive gaming sites and events recognize what you were saying. But I can't beat it, so I join it.

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  11. #20
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    Re: What games are everyone anticipating

    Damn RABID loving the elaborate posts

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