Halo 4 : Promising to be tailored to the competitive gamers seeking more than just a campaign, Halo 4 promises to be one of the most highly anticipated game releases of the year. 343 Industries designed this game by listening to what hardcore Halo fans wanted. Bringing back and then improving weapons like the BR, steering clear of pulling the multiplayer maps from the campaign by creating maps from scratch specific for fast/intense competition, and adding a new twist to the story mode (Forerunners).....343 has outdone themselves on this title.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter: I am personally highly anticipating this release as well. The trailers that have been released so far show amazing attention to detail with both the storyline and realism of the gameplay. In my opinion the multiplayer seems pretty similar to the Call of Duty series but add new killstreaks and original tweaks to keep it MoH and not overly identical to COD series games. It's also a plus they have nabbed popular band Linkin Park to promote the game.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2: Saving the best for last, Black Ops 2 is hands down the most anticipated title release of the year. Anyone who has watched the trailers of multiplayer matches or campaign sneak peeks knows this game is going to be epic. Yes it will be eerily similar to other cod series games but what else can they really do?? There hasn't been any new breakthrough with servers or console capabilities so they did the next best thing. The story takes place in the future (2025) and they were able to tie in the characters from Black Ops 1 into the future. Black Ops 2 has a fresh set of weapons, killstreaks, and perks design that is sure to entertain even the skeptics!! This is definitely the "Must Buy" of 2012.