MOS-BilletRankDuties8003-Leaders and Co-LeadersBrigadier General to 6 Star GeneralLeaders of the Clan0302-Infantry Officer2nd Lieutenant to ColonelWebsite and Forum Moderators0369 -Unit Leader

Lance Corporal to 2nd Lieutenant
Take Command of Team during matches8411-RecruiterCorporal to Master Gunnery SergeantIs always looking for potential recruits and new members for the Clan. Must be able to communicate very well and have a thorough understanding of the website and forums.0317-Team Scout Sniper

Corporal to General1st voice of Communication. Recon and long range precision fire while staying concealed, calls out all enemies, expert MAV "pilot"Designated Marksman (DM)
Corporal to General2nd voice of Communication. Long range precision fire, call out all enemies to TeamSquad LeaderCorporal to
SergeantLeader of full Squad of 6 members during games
5811-CAG MPPrivate to Master Gunnery SergeantWill maintain good order and discipline, and support the Clan's TOS, COC Chain of Command
5803 - CAG MP
Officer2nd Lieutenant to
Lieutenant ColonelCommands the MP Units8154-CQB Team Member

Lance Corporal to Staff SergeantClose Quarter Battle Team Member0352-MisslemanLance Corporal to Sergeant
Must always be equipped with some type of air to ground launcher0331-Automatic Rifleman
Lance Corporal to SergeantAutomatic Rifleman for medium range fire0351-Assaultman
Lance Corporal to SergeantExpert Rifleman in close quarters, long range0120-Administrative ClerkPrivate to
SergeantServer as scribes during meetings and post notes on the forums 0311-RiflemanPrivate to CorporalPointmen who must prevent enemy advancement at all costs

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