I have finished the Expert Assaultman's Badge. This Badge is going to distinguish the Boys from the Men. This will be the Badge of Badges. The Assaultman will be an all around killing machine. A destructive force even when alone, a FireTeam of 6 Expert Assaultmen will be the Unit by which all Units are measured by. Lets take a look at this Badge:


The Expert Assaultman in CAG is a very unique Billet to receive. The "EA" is capable of using any assault rifle "Carbine" equiped with the M203 attachment and light machine gun to create havoc in the battlefield. His main purpose is to destroy everything in his path with what ever means necessary. A complete weapons expert, he can also utilize the complete list of equipment to completely overwhelm the enemy.

To become a certified Expert Assaultman all interested candidates must go through the "ACTP" course and complete it on the first try. If the course is failed, the individual(s) must wait 2 weeks before they can retry the course. Lets take a look at the requirements to become one of the "Best of the Best", the Expert Assaultman!

Expert Assaultman Indoctrination pre-requirements

1. All interested candidates for Expert Assaultman must have completed all 3 levels of Marksman
2. Must be of Lance Corporal Rank and be an active Member on the website and forums
3. "NO" demerit points on Service Record
4. Must have received the "Good Conduct" Ribbon or the "Commendation" Ribbon by his Unit Leader
5. Full knowledge of all "Carbine" rifles with scope and now scope
6. Full knowledge of all explosives and how and when to call in a killstreak reward
7. Be classified as a certified Communications expert

List of Carbines all candidates must know how to use


Once all these requirements have been met, the candidate is ready to start the Expert Assaultman Indoctrination! Only 6 candidates at a time will be accepted into the training program for Expert Assaultman. This training program will be conducted behind close doors in a private match setting. The 6 candidates will be pinned up against PIGs who are training to be Scout Snipers and are training in the same course as the Expert Assaultmen.
The following must be completed by the 6 candidates against the PIGs.

1. Must assault an area defended by the PIGs.
2. Must breach the perimeter set by the PIGs and set up one of their once they move in.

These 2 training courses will be held on WASTELAND and INVASSION.