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FullmetalMedic (September 2nd, 2012)
Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (August 29th, 2012)
wow 'it's ok but not amazing' she says.....
Either you didn't watch the whole video, or you're just a plain boring bum...
ya, shooting the pilot out of a helicopter with a single shot 600 or so meters away (ya it's OK)
Shooting a guy parachuting down with a single shot (ya it's OK)
Sheesh Cheech get emotions
if only i had a capture card then you would see some "UNREAL, AMAZING, KICKASS, HALLUCINOGENIC, CRAZY" Shite :P untill then all other footage is just ok....
Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (September 11th, 2012)
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