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Thread: Newest Patch and Engineer Sentry Turrets

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  1. #1
    Paladin Xenos's Avatar
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    Newest Patch and Engineer Sentry Turrets

    I know they fixed the Exacto Ammo and such with this update, but is it just me or am I seeing more engineers using sentry turrets? Also, i seem to be getting one shot killed without a head shot from these things.

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  2. #2
    BxBandit's Avatar
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    Forum Footmatt

    Agreed just another thing that needs to be fixed that's all.

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  4. #3
    Dae Jim's Avatar
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    Lol Bandit how would you know, you haven't been on Ghost Recon for ages ...
    Turrets fine for me to be honest, I agree that it's annoying if it kills you but you can destroy a turret pretty fast.
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  5. #4
    Paladin Xenos's Avatar
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    I guess it was just lagg, but they are annoying when that little dinky piece of hardware can shoot you across the map and almost kill you with 5 bullets, but then again ghost recon isn't perfect lol

    CAG Dogg Level: 30 [?]
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