We have 2 CAG Brothers that need some help with their xbox live subscriptions guys. I would honestly hate to see them both not being able to jump on xbox live because they can't afford to shell out the dough for their subscriptions.

I myself in the past have given out a total of 75,000 + microsoft points for past members who needed points to purchase map packs. I would like to see everyone come together and donate at least $5 to help out our CAG Brothers stay with us on xbox live.

The way this works is simple, click on the Donate button on the main page of our website and add your donation via paypal. Once you donate, please include the amount you donated here on this thread and I will confirm that donation with you.

Once we get enough for 1 or both xbox live subscriptions, I will purchase the cards and give them both their activation codes. If anyone can actually get them the full year subscription, I my self with reimburse the total for the subscription.

All Members who donate will be first in line in the future if they need help with similar situations. The more you donate the higher rank in the eligibility list for future help for yourself.

We need to come together guys and set up a Communal Bank for us. So please help out your fellow CAG Brothers, we are Family and all friends here. Thanks in advance to all who decide to help out.