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Thread: Exacto Ammo

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  1. #1
    FLY1458's Avatar
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    Exacto Ammo

    Seriously, this in my mind is just t-total bullshit in the game...I can handle the sensors, OTR scanner, UCAV, because there is a way to defeat that...but you can't do a damn thing about this ammo...It makes the people that suck at the game seem good when really if you have to use this ammo just to get kills you suck...This is just my opinion but I find it pathetic that you have to have GPS (wanted bullets) just to shoot someone because you know it can slightly curve to your advantage.

    The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions

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    Crazy x Sauce (July 4th, 2012)

  3. #2
    OuttaTime's Avatar
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    Lol I saw this post coming

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  4. #3
    Dae Jim's Avatar
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    I agree, it takes little skill to have a kill with something like that.
    It's bad enough that I have to deal with shotguns and Grenade launchers in every online shooter. I wonder what the developers thought.. - Let's make something even more Noobish to use -

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  5. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Dae Jim For This Fucking Post:

    Crazy x Sauce (July 4th, 2012),FLY1458 (July 4th, 2012)

  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dae Jim View Post
    I agree, it takes little skill to have a kill with something like that.
    It's bad enough that I have to deal with shotguns and Grenade launchers in every online shooter. I wonder what the developers thought.. - Let's make something even more Noobish to use -
    Noob tubes have been more noticeable lately. Lmfao it's like another way of saying auto aim! I don't know any other way of showing how pathetic a gamer is with bullet assist.

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  7. #5
    fire2155's Avatar
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    Ya that shit really does bring the shooter down a notch but it is a fast way to lose respect if thats what they are wanting. People like that play this game like COD and it pisses me off because it don't matter if you get 100 kills or 1 if you don't take the objectives you LOSE!! And for me losing a match over some guy on the team just out there for kills really does make me want to throw g-nades at him the hole game lmao.

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  8. #6
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    I have an exacto penis always hits the target Right Cheech (wink wink).
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

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  9. #7
    [XBOX 1, XBOX 360]
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    Fuck yeah! Look at Toxic's anus, it has stormy written all over it! BAHAHAH!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    StormySGT ELIAS (July 11th, 2012)

  11. #8
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    Stormy you missed the most ridiculous matches after you left. It was almost funny.....almost

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  12. #9
    fire2155's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigSW00P View Post
    You are falling to the darkside young one.
    There is a simple solution.
    Calmly, and politely, remind them they lost because they think this is COD.
    Then, for every game they continue to play as such point this out, in a very unfriendly manner.

    They won't stick around, I've become pro at it....why just this recently a guy with a mic even spoke which I replied "Holy crap it takes THAT to get you to use your mic?"
    Im not falling just yet i waas just saying thats what I want to to do. I wont drop to there level or below. But I do kinda get in front of them every chance I get and make them move lol

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to fire2155 For This Fucking Post:

    bigSW00P (July 13th, 2012)

  14. #10
    Dae Jim's Avatar
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    The Exacto ammo has been nerfed, you now have to stay on target for about 4-6 seconds before the ' exacto ammo ' works.
    Editor-in-chief for the CAGnews section COMING SOON!
    Still looking for Authors, contact me if you feel that's something for you!

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