Member Name: BlackHawk399

Additional Usernames: BlackHawk399 and Lack1337

XBL Gamertag: BlackHawk399

Birthday: 12/22/93

Location: Chicago, USA

Email Address:

Facebook or Twitter or both: Facebook=Erik Kepozc

What skills do you feel you have that will help the Clan?: I am a decent QuickScoper and im a great player with the Scar. <--Mw3 Bf3--> Im a good conquest player and i also have Premium so i can play with any other clan members that are premium.

Have you ever been in a Clan before?: Yes

Do you have a working headset with mic?: Yes

Do you know any of our current clan members?: Yes

If Yes, please tell us the their names.: Hex Voltage and Hex Legacy. I only know their names but there are more members that i just cant remember the names of.

What game or games are you applying for?:
Black Ops

Please check all the types of game styles you play as:

Please tell us what time would be a good time to contact you.: Usually Saturday-Tuesday

Please introduce yourself to us here with as much info as possible: Im a good quickscoper. Im actually very tactical when it comes to BF3 and im really agressive when playing any COD from COD1-Mw3

Activity Requirement: Yes

Where did you hear about us? Did someone refer you to us?: Top 100 clans