I PFC BxBandit will be leading a conflict fireteam for GRFS the team will consist of 4 members but no more than 6. If you are interested in joining the Reapers please contact BxBandit or xNemesis for tryouts.
Reaper Lead
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All information regarding Squad and Squad Matches on Ghost Recon: Wildlands for the CAG Clan
CAG CheechDogg (June 15th, 2012)
We should see all the new recruits who play conflict wanting to get in on this. This will actually show us that you (new recruits) are really serious and interested in joining CAG.
Recruits and new registered members who are wanting to be in CAG and do not answer to posts like these will be pushed to the side very easily and forgotten. Just a heads up!
Activity TeamWork Loyalty Honor Discipline Communication and Pride are the core values of every member of Reaper Squad. Think you can handle it? Speak to Reaper Lead or Reaper One to prove yourself. We are accepting even new members into our recruiting pool see if you have what it takes to join our lethal group of Assassins and operators from all corners of the world. We wish you the best and welcome to CAG may you enjoy your pride in joining our elite family. Even those who do not make the cut don't get discouraged just hang with us and you'll start it fit right in for the next evals and who knows you may just pass from learning with our group.
-Reaper Lead C-Delta PFC BxBandit The Beast From The East
Last edited by BxBandit; June 16th, 2012 at 01:32 AM.
CAG CheechDogg (June 15th, 2012)
I look forward in evaluating everyone that wants to take part! BxBandit and I are really looking to put a strong team out there. If you havnt already my GT is CAG xNemesis617 . BxBandit and I will be posting news and important times and dates through the forums so make sure your staying active. Happy Hunting out there.
-Reaper One C1-Alpha PFC CAG xNemesis617
Last edited by BxBandit; June 16th, 2012 at 01:35 AM.
CAG CheechDogg (June 16th, 2012)
Make sure you guys talk with knockers, time and stormy or just look at their friends list to find out who the recruits are so you guys can let them know about the conflict team.
There should be no reason why this team doesn't develop quickly without any problems.
Crazy x Sauce (June 18th, 2012)
I enjoy Conflict mode, so would definitely be interested, just depends on times for me currently Am on BST so am a few hourse in front of you guys (mainly) and don't cope well with lack of sleep lol!
Im guessing as im a recruit I need to tryout??
but if you could fire up some dates/times I will try to be available.
P.S will be unavailable from Thursday-Monday as I have a Stag Do in Ibiza!!
Last edited by ry8114; June 18th, 2012 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Just missed something off that's all :)
CAG CheechDogg (June 18th, 2012)
We are going to get this team firing on all cylinders soon me and bxbanit are talking out the plan this week and news will follow soon!
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
CAG CheechDogg (June 18th, 2012)
ry8114 (June 19th, 2012)
BxBandit (June 19th, 2012)
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