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Thread: Weapons Qualification Badges

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    Weapons Qualification Badges

    CAG will start holding qualifications for Weapons Qualification Badges to determine what everyone is better suited for. Some might be better Snipers than Riflemen or Assaultmen and some might be all around Marksman. This will help us learn more about ourselves and should help us as well. All Members of the 360 Corps are encourage to join qualifications to earn their Badges.

    Currently there are 3 Badges available for rifles and 3 for handguns, Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert. Earning these Badges will help Members promote faster as well as becoming a disciplined and well trained player.

    Upon successful completion of all 3 Badges, each Member will be automatically promoted to Lance Corporal which will make them eligible for Scout Snipers. To become a Scout Sniper, a separate training course and qualification must be completed. CAG has 7 different levels of Marksmanship that can be obtained by any Member. One very prestigious Marksmanship level is the Designated Marksman. Designated Marksmen serve as expert riflemen as well as snipers for a Unit. They are crucial to a Units success and are highly skilled and trained in fieldcraft and marksmanship who deliver long range precision fire on selected targets from concealed positions in support of combat operations.

    CAG has 7 classes of Marksman. Each class is equipped differently according to the mission at hand. Each Member starts off as a basic Rifleman (0311) and with proper qualifications can be assigned as a Machine Gunner or Automatic Rifleman (0331) or an Assaultman (0351).

    Rifleman (0311)

    The rifleman employs any assault rifle, the M203 grenade launcher and the squad automatic weapon (light machine gun).

    Automatic Rifleman or Machine Gunner (0331)

    The Automatic Rifleman or Machine Gunner employs any light machine gun and provides direct fire support for their Unit more commonly a FireTeam. Suppressive fire is their main objective but are experienced Marksman that can operate independently.

    Assaultman (0351)

    The Assaultman employs an assault riffle with the M203 attachment and are also equipped with one of the following; the Javelin Weapons System, AT4, RPG, Claymores, C4 and other demolition equipment available. They focus mainly on disabling armored vehicles and attack aircrafts.

    Designated Marksman

    The Designated Marksman ( DM ) typically employs the M14 or the M21 EBR semi automatic sniper rifles but can choose his sniper rifle of choice. Unlike the true Sniper, DMs are trained to look after their Unit from high above to help guide the Marksmen to the target. They are also trained in quick and precise shooting on enemy targets ranging from mid to long range. DMs are selective shooters and wisely choose their targets to avoid detection. They operate alone unlike the true Sniper but generally move with his or her Unit.

    Sniper Team (Scout Snipers)

    The Sniper Team has a Sniper and the Spotter who always move together. The true Sniper employs any sniper rifle suppressed or not and often take a fixed strategic position and camouflaged themselves with a Guillie Suit. They always have a Spotter who employs his weapon of choice but typically an assault rifle. They always stay within 5 yards of each other and must have excellent communication skills.

    Special Forces Specialists and Operators

    Special Forces Specialists and Operators will be explained in detail in a different article.

    We have just covered the different classes of Marksman that make up a Unit in CAG. Understanding what each class does is important and crucial to the Clan's success. Lets take a look now at how qualification for each Badge is earned.

    Marksman Badge

    The Marksman Badge is the first level and everyone should earn this one with no problems. Each Corps will have different ways of earning each Badge.

    For all Members of the 360 Corps, the Marksman Badge will be decided during actual game play. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 3 times:

    1. Assault rifle or light machine gun with choice of a scope and suppressor. Handguns are now allowed.

    2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 3 times with no scope, or 5 times with a scoped rifle.

    3. No explosives, air raids or any other type of killstreak reward is allowed

    4. No team kills are allowed

    5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

    Sharpshooter Badge

    The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will aso be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:

    1. Assault rifle or Sniper rifle with preferred scope, suppressor is allowed

    2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths

    3. No explosives, air raids or any other type of killstreak reward is allowed

    4. No team kills are allowed

    5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met


    The Expert Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 10 times:

    1. Assault, sniper or light machine gun with prefered scope, suppressor is allowed

    2. Must have 20 kills and no more than 5 deaths

    3. No explosives, air raids or any other type of killstreak reward is allowed unless you have an opportunity to call in a tactical nuke

    4. No team kills are allowed

    5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

    In addition to these Weapons Qualification Badges, a special set of Badges are also available for Close Quarter Combat using suppressed SMG's. These Badges will determine Special Forces Units using nothing but suppressed weapons and stealth.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Damn Loki, you been putting some work in huh? Lets figure out how to award these Badges for SOCOM Members. I was thinking maybe doing the same and playing on 20 minute game with respawns on. Give me some feedback on this. I will talk to you guys later
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. #3
    DroppinSuga's Avatar
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Is the K/D per game or over period of games?

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  4. #4
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Per game for 10 games straight, so the total should be a good one after 10 games, but it is doing it in every single game.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  6. #5
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Whoa, lol.

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  7. #6
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Yeeeep! This is not going to be an easy task by all means. Each game this type of performance has to be accomplished. My goal here is not just to get everyone to try and earn these Badges, but also to become better team players and with discipline and an understanding of how the game should be played. In the long run, this will do just that and make them better players guaranteed.

    We did this before with my very first Clan but we never had a website like this to showcase everyone's accomplishments in the Clan. So are you in?
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  8. #7
    DroppinSuga's Avatar
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    I'll give it a shot. I'll be the highest ranked guy to fail though, lol.

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  9. #8
    CAG Sipeasaurus's Avatar
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Darn, I probability won't make it past the first cause I'm not great with LMG or Assault Rifles.

    "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
    The Marines don't have that problem." PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, 1985

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  10. #9
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    It's ok guys, I even have to go through this to earn them too. Its gonnah be a cool challenge for all of us, but in the end it will only make us all better players.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  11. #10
    CAG Stud
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Weapons Qualification Badges

    Glad to see the guys from the 360 Corps giving it all they have to earn their Badges, great work guys and keep it up!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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