Check out our ranking! It's slim though.
Check out our ranking! It's slim though.
CAG CheechDogg (June 2nd, 2012),OuttaTime (June 2nd, 2012),puggy1973 (June 2nd, 2012),Ricke80 (June 2nd, 2012),StormySGT ELIAS (June 2nd, 2012)
CAG CheechDogg (June 2nd, 2012),cliffgoat (June 2nd, 2012),puggy1973 (June 2nd, 2012)
CAG CheechDogg (June 2nd, 2012),cliffgoat (June 2nd, 2012),puggy1973 (June 2nd, 2012)
Hell yeah thanks to all that have voted and got us here at #1. Now lets hang on to it by voting every day from here on out, it's not going to be easy at all because the community that has been at #1 for the last year from out of no where jumps up by 100s of votes, still trying to figure out how they do that.
But lets keep voting every day and we should be fine you guys. Once again thank you all!
cliffgoat (June 2nd, 2012)
CAG CheechDogg (June 2nd, 2012),puggy1973 (June 2nd, 2012),StormySGT ELIAS (June 2nd, 2012)
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