I don't get the computer as often as I want, but I'm still here. And ready anytime you are. When on Saturday? And I'll drag Killer out of bed too!
Krazee anytime on Saturdays really, just as long as people get on, if you are on and I am online hit me up, or just come on the site and say "hey we plan on getting on at so and so time" and I will jump on.
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,087,406
Next Level: 305,690,101
Hey Vern if we usually play together around 810am Central U.S how can you be on at 8am ? anyways I will be on Tuesday morning same bat time same bat channel dararararararararararararararararara batman!
CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
Experience: 12,586,910
Next Level: 13,849,320