Ok everyone on our GRFS Squad we need to start doing Squad Matches to rank up our Squad. We currently only have 12 total matches with a 8 win 4 loss record.
Anyone in the Squad can do squad matches, so instead of doing regular matches lets all do squad matches. We have enough of us, 21 total members to do at least 5 different squads at on time and play squad matches.
We have a Squad Rank of 3 right now and we are moving up quite quickly. The top Squad has 180+ games but the are only squad rank 4, I am not sure how it all works but lets get up there!
I have designated a few of you guys already as Sergeants and Lieutenants, which allows you to recruit and add new members to the Squad. Make sure you guys are on the lookout during every game for players who exhibit great skills and you believe would be an asset to the Clan.
Let them know about our contracts and we will talk to them in private about it. Every single member of our GRFS Squad communicates, works as a team and knows what it takes to win. Look these same qualities in new recruits and lets get this GRFS Division of CAG rocking!