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View Poll Results: Will Next COD Be Better? (Black Ops II)

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  • Yes

    3 30.00%
  • No (same thing that happened with MW3 will happen)

    1 10.00%
  • Yes (Treyarch takes care of shit, unlike Infinity Ward)

    5 50.00%
  • Fuck COD

    1 10.00%
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Thread: Call Of Duty: Black Ops II

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  1. #1
    Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r's Avatar
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    Post Call Of Duty: Black Ops II

    callofduty blackop2 top630

    Stop the presses: a new Call of Duty is coming out this year.
    On Tuesday evening, Activision revealed that its annual Call of Duty release will be the first sequel to 2010 blockbuster Black Ops. Again developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops II continues the story of the first game and puts you primarily in control of David Mason, son of protagonist Alex Mason from the first title. It's due out for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on November 13.
    According to Activision, about one-third of the game takes place in the 80s, but the bulk will be set in a near future 2025 with a political climate heavily influenced by today's current events and economist predictions. Black Ops II crafts what Treyarch considers a plausible future in which China is the world's largest economy, funded to a large degree by its 95% control of rare earth elements.
    Moon rocks? Not quite. Rare earth elements are used in many advanced military technology products and consumer electronics; everything from your hybrid car to your iPhone contain fragments of the stuff. The Obama administration has even brought a case to the World Trade Organization petitioning China to stop its consolidation of rare earth minerals. Ripped from the headlines, indeed.

    Activision also points out that Black Ops II's future world is firmly rooted in real military tech and current research. The company even recruited several advisers to keep things legit, including retired USMC Colonel Oliver North (yes, THAT Oliver North), retired U.S. Army Lt Col Hank Keirsey, and author P.W. Singer, who wrote the NY Times Bestseller "Wired for War."
    [Related: The Rare Earth Metals the U.S. Wants That China's Got]
    Heat-ray weapons, advanced robotics, stealth tech, drones, and cyber warfare are all front and center in Black Ops II, but it's real-world stuff, or thereabouts.
    "Anyone who thinks this is sci-fi is bottom line ignorant," Singer said in a news segment aired to journalists at Treyarch's headquarters. Studio head Mark Lamia threw up a real newspaper clipping on the screen, headlined: Trojan Virus in Drone Network. "This is happening today," warned Lamia.
    Bigger changes are coming to Black Ops II than just a current events plot. The new game's single-player campaign will break from tradition by featuring a branching storyline based on player actions. Losing a mission doesn't end the game, but rather spins you down a different path. And by taking on different objectives, players can sway the geo-political arc of the entire experience.
    It's a bold move for a franchise that has enjoyed unprecedented success by relying on a pretty solid formula: cinematic, linear campaigns that tend to lead players by the hand through massive set pieces. Beginning with 2009's Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty games have broken entertainment sales records three years running. Last year's Modern Warfare 3 racked up a stunning $400 million in its first 24 hours -- another entertainment high water mark -- though its sales have dipped a bit in recent months, which some attribute to general Call of Duty fatigue.
    To freshen it up, Treyarch is tweaking every aspect of the game -- including Call of Duty's hallowed multiplayer. Activision is keeping tight-lipped about specifics, but said that they are philosophically starting from the ground up.
    "Instead of just extending multiplayer from Black Ops, we thought critically about what cows are sacred. Do we keep something just because it worked last time?" said Game Design Director David Vonderhaar. That could include fundamental changes that would even remove systems like "Create-A-Class" and perks, which have been a staple in Call of Duty multiplayer since Modern Warfare released in 2007.
    "We're done making games where one style fits everyone," said Vonderhaar. "Some people play to become pro, others only load it up casually once or twice a week. Our multiplayer won't be 'one game mode' anymore; we want to create a great experience for people who have 'prestiged' once as well as those who have done it 50 times." (To 'prestige' in Call of Duty is to reach the highest multiplayer rank, trade it in for an in-game benefit, then start from rank 1 again.)
    The franchise's vaunted Zombie mode will also make a return, turning Black Ops II into what Lamia describes as three games in one box for very different gaming moods.
    "You have the campaign mode for a sit-back-and-enjoy thrill ride, the multiplayer for the ultimate competitive and e-sports experience, and Zombies for coop with friends," he said.
    We'll doubtlessly learn more about this upcoming war at the E3 convention in June.

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  2. #2
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    The COD Series producers and developers have already proven to us that all they really care about is making money and why shouldn't they right? Everything in this world is now a business, even the most sacred of all things "Marriage" is now just a business. It is becoming very rare to find people anymore that are genuine and more so businesses that care about their customers.

    I have said it before and I will say it again, the COD series has killed genuine gaming since the release of Modern Warfare and its emphasis on "pick-up-n-play" for the casual gamers, kids and grownups. Anyone can pick up these games and within 30 minutes or an hour be able to play the game like a pro.

    There is nothing "hardcore" about COD games and the perk system is proof that this game is more an arcade game than anything else. By now people have gotten a taste of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and what a real shooter should be like.

    You are not supposed to run around and just spray and be able to kill the enemy the way you do on COD games. From what they are saying about BLACK OPS 2 they might get rid of some of that stuff but quite honestly it would not be in their best interest to do so. The COD games will continue to be "pick up and play" so that anyone can easily play this game within minutes.

    MW3 is the last game from the COD series for me, now that Ghost Recon is back real "shooter" gaming is back. Fuck COD and everything it did for the gaming industry, all it ever did was introduce cheaters, hackers, rank stat whores and assholes to online gaming.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  3. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Fuck COD and everything it did for the gaming industry, all it ever did was introduce cheaters, hackers, rank stat whores and assholes to online gaming.
    Damn, Cheech. Tell us how you really feel.

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    StormySGT ELIAS (May 3rd, 2012)

  6. #4
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    lol I agree with you Cheech yet every year I have to buy a damn COD game, I can't help it. But hell like you said, GRFS coming out in count them !!!18!!! days. Is anyone getting it at midnight? if so we should set up a match......and btw, a little after COD comes out, so does Rainbow Six Patriots

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  7. #5
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    That is another game I can't wait for, RAinbow Six...ah yeah baby, the games that made CAG into a power house are coming back!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    So I read on the Bio lol. That is what got me interested in the first place. Then realizing that you just don't let any Joe Blow come on in and be a member like most of these clans with over a thousand members. Just ridiculous.

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  9. #7
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    Yeah Time, sometimes I get people sending me messages that it's bullshit we have so many requirements just to make it in the Clan but that is what weeds out the weak links. I tried the "allow anyone to join approach" when MW3 first came out but all I got where a bunch of non committed assholes who just wanted to be associated with any clan.

    The ones that have made it into CAG are all loyal and know what it takes to be in a good Clan. While we are not a Clan that has 1000s or even hundreds of members we are a hell of a Clan when we play together. I think put CAG in a very bad position last year when I allowed other Clans to dictate our direction as a clan. I had tons of people asking me to start up a competition squad and when I did no one was committed to it. That really ruined the "team concept" and we had disagreements over how we were going to go about it.

    I think for GRFS I am going to just sit back and enjoy the game as a clan like we did with past Ghost Recons and Rainbow Six games. If we see that others want to get into competitions we will go from there.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  10. #8
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    Well everyone makes mistakes, thats how ya learn. I noticed that a smoke grenade in your vid makes a world of difference in this game, I like smoke nades alot.

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  11. #9
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    Oh yeah dude, the smoke grenades work hellah good in this game, they always have in tom clancy games, not like those bullshit "farts" in COD games
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    haha farts, you are right though, best thing in RSV2 man

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