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Thread: CAG Clan COD WW2 Members List

Discussion Forums for COD WW 2

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
    Rep Power: 11184
    This member is currently
    Local Date
    March 30th, 2025
    Local Time
    10:45 PM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    CAG Clan COD WW2 Members List

    You guys, below is the updated canned reply that is to be used on applications for new recruits and members ... I will update it weekly to help everyone out and make it easier to connect with others on xbl ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 290,306,615
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  2. #2
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
    Rep Power: 11184
    This member is currently
    Local Date
    March 30th, 2025
    Local Time
    10:45 PM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    CAG clan logo

    Welcome to Alpha Company!

    Hello Recruit.

    Welcome and thank you for your interest in CAG!

    Please subscribe to this thread as this is where you will find the information needed to succeed in CAG. Also, make sure to look around the forums, there is a lot of helpful information, especially to new recruits like yourself.

    You should add the following members to your friends list on XBOX Live. This list will be updated on a weekly basis and it is your responsibility to update your friends list every week.

    CAG Clan Founder: CAG CheechDogg

    CAG 2nd in Command: CAG ToxicBob

    CAG 3rd in Command: CAG GypsyOutlaw

    CAG 4th in Command: CAG Covieleader

    Add the following members to your friends list and notify them that you are a new recruit on xbox live. Make sure you let them know you are a recruit.

    1. SoulSeeker1972
    2. StormySGT ELIAS
    3. CAG Lucifer748
    4. CAG StewieShotU
    5. semperdog1775
    6. CAG Riddled
    7. Rastakidbrit
    8. HartmoreAllstar
    10. Tosya89

    The above members are members who are the most active, to find other members please view our official clan roster.

    The following are recruits

    1. [R]Dgxblazedkill3r
    2. [R]Elite xSilencer
    3. [R]Gibblz N Bits
    4. [R]HARVEY GOTTi
    5. [R]mmmCatpoop
    6. [R]Superman8223
    7. [R]Wingnutbruno2
    8. [R]XGC DemonicGod

    NOTE: any time you post on the forum CAG MUST be capitalized!

    What is expected of me now to become a full member and rank up in CAG?

    You are now on a 2 week (14 days) trial period and there are 2 options available to you in order to become a full CAG member.

    They are Active Member and Reserve Member. Please Click Here to find out more about the two. If you choose to go the Active Member route, Click Here to find the Marksman Requirements and how to post your games.

    You may choose to wait until you complete your 2 week probation before you complete the requirements for the Marksman's Badge.

    Always wear your CAG clan tag, for more information about this and how it should be worn, click the following link Recruits! Clan Tag Information. Please read this information, it is important to know.

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please use this thread to ask them and again thank you for your interest in CAG, see you on the battlefield!

    Best of Luck!

    Alpha Company HQ
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 290,306,615
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  3. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Riddled (December 11th, 2017)

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