This is primarily aimed at our recruits but will obviously apply to all within CAG.
This is also not a notice following poor conduct or anything like is simply a polite note to allay any concerns that recruits may have about the CAG family.
CAG is first and foremost a family of like minded individuals who want to play with other good people, in a friendly relaxed atmosphere.
So many times I've heard, as I'm sure a lot of us have, recruits saying that it's going to be tough to meet CAG requirements and be as good as us and they're worried they won't get in.
This is not what CAG is about. Yes, we have measures in place to try and ensure the right people come in. Yes, we have the marksman process and the kill count may seem high at first...but those numbers will tumble and you'll have hella fun doing it. This ultimately shows us who we're dealing with and if the commitment is there. This goes hand in hand with forum activity as well. Yes...We have some very skillful players but they, along with the rest of us are here and stay here because we look out for each other and respect each other. We all started as strangers at one point or another but because we all want the same thing and basically PTFO (Play The 4king Objective) we become pals and just enjoy ourselves.
We dont do egos and will not tolerate idiots. We will do all we can to help anyone that asks for it. However, the prerequisite for our help is simply respect, courtesy and reciprocation. Dare I it forward.
You get out of CAG what you put into CAG.
If you put in the effort, particularly on the forums, be friendly and respectful and importantly, enjoy yourself...your life within CAG will be awesome and you'll be rewarded.
The 'management' here have put in a lot of time and effort to provide us with a home. The least we can do is make the most of it.
Don't be afraid of the forums...don't be afraid to ask for help...we were all brand new question is a stupid question and no one will give you a hard time.
You will only get a hard time if you're a dick. We're all adults and treat each other accordingly. With that in is worth reminding you that we all have real lives is ultimately a big part of a favourite hobby for most of us. But it is a part we will defend to the hilt and look after. Understand this...YOU WILL NOT FUCK WITH CAG.
Please listen to any advice you are given. It is given to you so that you may do the best you can, be it in game or here on the forums. Generally, advice will be given in the right manner...please don't just dismiss it. We want all new recruits to do well. If advice is continually ignored...the feed will stop. Simple.
To conclude...for fear of being disjointed and harping on...CAG is about the fun. You will find an awful lot of fun here. We have awesome people here and awesome resources that can be tapped into. It's up to you to conduct yourself in the right way and reap the benefits of our home and its people.
Don't be intimidated by CAG...God knows I was when I first arrived...but CAG does not bite the good people. It rewards them.
I myself wish to see the standard of conduct within CAG, remain high. It's not difficult to conduct yourself in the correct manner.
Much respect to you my CAG family.
Archangel out.
sent from the edge of your perception