First of all, I want to thank Kujeaux and CAG pisspawz for opportunity to be Bravo squad leader. I also want to thank everyone who I game with , because without you guys, I wouldn't be a this spot. I will not let you guys down. With that said. I do have expectations. Here they are:
1. I have high standards for bravo squad, I want to be the best and classiest squad. That means no profanity in post. No talking about how big or small your body parts are. I want every post to be respectful. You can have fun with your posts, but just don't be distasteful. I don't want to hear any raging on a team member or putting a rant on forums. We all make mistakes. Use your CoC to help resolve issues.
2. Fireteam leaders I would you guys to tell me your gameplay and your Fireteam gameplay schedule. I want to make sure I can try to play with every member in my squad. I have a goal of making sure every member of expert done in 3 months of their marksman.
3. Forums is a major part of CAG. So to entice my squad alittle more. To the top 3 members who post most in forums in my squad. I will donate ms points( I don't know what they are called now). I want quality posts and I will be reviewing them. No garbage or stupid posts. I expect every member in bravo squad to respond to each other posts. The minimum is 2 to 3 post a week. I want 4. With all our members going for awards and numbers of recruits coming in, this should be easy as cake.
4. I will be trying plan events like practices and scrims with other fireteams. I do expect participation in every event. There will be advance notice. But if you can't attend, please contact me.
I know a lot of this is similar to what I posted as a Fireteam leader. I would all Bravo members to respond
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