Seriously though I don't get it either. You'll get some people who want to play 20 questions just to end the conversation with them saying "Who needs a clan anyway"
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Discussion Forums of the CAG COD Brigade
Seriously though I don't get it either. You'll get some people who want to play 20 questions just to end the conversation with them saying "Who needs a clan anyway"
Well if they don't want to join then that's fine some gamers like to play with friends and others look for friends to play with. I'm not here to recruit all the ps4 folks I'm here to fill up the rosters again. Which is why I'm gonna start New Threads on all those links I've started.
In cod it's almost certain you have to have a team communicating if not then you'll be stuck losing. At the end of the day to me it's just a game. I've met some good people in CAG.
Prior to the launch of Advance Warfare we had 6 people by the near end of it we had 3 full platoons. And I'm gonna make it my mission to replicate that success in Infinite Warfare.
If they don't want to join then hey that's cool but I don't wonna hear it when their on the losing end of a game lol
Take the clan analogy to real life. Without a team do we think sports would be here ... probably not. If you was in the army would you go into war alone ? That's why clans are important.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
CAG JB (August 13th, 2016)
I've quoted the reply with the links you provided and made it a sticky within Bravo Co. I don't want the responsibility to fall solely on you for bumping those threads.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 13th, 2016)
As I've woken up today. I think what CAG needs is bath. Now a bath meaning we need to look at how we're recruiting and ask ourselves "How do we make it simple". So simple that like minded gamers will flock to the forums and sign up. JB made a post about Battlefield Recruitment earlier and I've turned it to COD template. However I went back and changed some wording to it. I've added key points that honestly would get an average person to join.
Here's my template for the PS4 Side. Xbox Division folks can use that template but keep in mind that we can't double post on the forums in which I post in.
As Black Ops 3 comes to a close and Infinite Warfare on the horizon We at CAG Clan are looking for competitive & casual players alike for our Playstation Division.
Within CAG we operate under a structured chain of command like in the Military. We have current & Veterans of the US Armed Forces within ther ranks. A code of conduct is used facilitate the friendly forums for our members in the PS4 Division. Ranging from a very diverse group of people we have presence with gamers from all over the world that share the same common interest,"gaming".
If you find yourself looking for that place to call home, a place to build friendships and a place to expand your gaming experiences to more than just what you currently have then I can assure you that CAG will not disappoint you.
We are reaching out to players who are currently on Black Ops 3 and are looking for a clan for Infinite Warfare / Call Of Duty 4: Remaster.
If by any means if this is something that you may be looking for then head over to and check us out. It changed my gaming experiences for the better 6 years ago and it could may well change yours. We play all game types from TDM to Domination to Hardpoint
Send me a f/r today ! PSN Randuken
CAG Moldy Tacos (August 14th, 2016)
Black Ops 3 Alpha Company
Here is an updated list of CoD recruitment links that need to be bumped daily for the new games about to drop in 22 days.
- CoD Community: Infinite Warfare
- CoD Community: Black Ops 3
- CoD Community: Modern Warfare Remastered
- CoD Forums
- Fragged Nation
- NeoSeeker
It's important for all those who play CoD as his or her main game to contribute in bumping these recruitment links. For those who have stepped into leadership roles, such as fire team leaders, active recruiting is part of the duties you agreed upon when accepting those promotions. Being at the top of those forums increases the chances that someone clicks on our thread versus the hundred others. We just need people to open the threads so they can see why CAG is above and beyond any other clan out there. Also, the more members a potential recruit sees, the better it shows our investment as a group in CAG.
I will also be including a few templates that can be used to bump these links. These were derived from the main reply from our active Black Ops 3 recruitment page on the CoD forums. These are rough drafts, and probably will contain errors I may have overlooked while typing them out. I look forward to working with both Alpha and Bravo Company members in getting these replies refined and ready for active use while recruiting. Working together ensures we are putting out the best product and therefore giving our all to CAG.
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; October 14th, 2016 at 10:24 PM.
Lambjimb0 (October 12th, 2016)
CAG is a well-established clan with over 15 years of experience. We are always on the lookout for mature and like-minded gamers. All ages are welcomed to apply, as we judge on team work and maturity and not your age.
We DO NOT have a required KD or Win Loss ratio, but you must be able to follow a chain of command and have a willingness to do whatever it takes to win the game. You must play as a team to win.
CAG is a multi-platform clan that supports both Xbox One and PS4. Some of the games supported include: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered, Destiny, Battlefield, Rainbow 6 Siege, GTA 5, Titanfall, and The Division.
Have you completed most challenges in your favorite game? Chances are you will find a clan challenge that will give you something extra to work towards in the games you already love playing. CAG has created many clan based awards that can be earned by simply playing those games with other clan members.
CAG Clan Awards
CAG members are located around the globe. There are members from the United States of America, Ireland, England, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, and Iceland; just to name a few. We are always looking to expand to other countries, so we welcome you from where ever you reside. By having members from around the world, our clan is able to provide members the opportunity to almost always have someone on to grind out games with, regardless of time zones.
What are you waiting for? Be on the roster today, or become a victim tomorrow.
Quick 3 step process to begin your journey as a CAG Dogg.
1. Register for Register Here (Be sure to use an active email)
2. Check your email for a confirmation link from CAG. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.
3. Submit a clan application
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; October 16th, 2016 at 08:34 AM.
Lambjimb0 (October 12th, 2016)
Combat Applications Group (CAG) is now recruiting for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
CAG is a multi platform clan, as both Xbox One and PS4 are supported here. We are currently the number one voted clan on Top 100 Clans. Some key features that make us the best include clan wide awards and clan forums.
CAG has been around for over 15 years. Through those years, CAG has remained committed to growing an environment committed to excellence both in game and also on our forums. This has created a close knit family that extends beyond just gaming. What are you waiting for? Join today and become part of the Dogg Pack.
Follow these three easy steps to become a member of an established winning clan today.
1. Register for Register Here (Be sure to use an active email)
2. Check your email for a confirmation link from CAG. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.
3. Submit a clan application
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; October 16th, 2016 at 08:28 AM.
Lambjimb0 (October 12th, 2016)
Combat Applications Group (CAG) is now recruiting for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered.
Boots on the ground more of your speed when playing Call of Duty? Need a team that knows how to execute this type of gameplay style? Look no further than CAG. With a battle cry known as “Camp All Game”, CAG has completely mastered going in and dominating battle in this classic Call of Duty game. We offer an established group of members that know how to communicate as a team, and go above and beyond in making sure the team gets the win.
CAG has been around for more than 15 years as an established clan. We offer great support not only in game, but also on our clan forums. We offer extensive clan based awards that will give members an extra incentive to prove how good he or she is at a game.
Follow these three easy steps to become a member of an established winning clan today.
1. Register for Register Here (Be sure to use an active email)
2. Check your email for a confirmation link from CAG. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.
3. Submit a clan application
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; October 20th, 2016 at 12:35 AM.