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Thread: SprayAim BF4 Marksman

Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    SprayAim BF4 Marksman

    probably completed this a few times since joining CAG but thought it about time i logged them for awards.

    I apologize if i am posting the total kills incorrectly... i don't know where to check if i got kills via any other means than a gun

    9 kills

    Lancang Dam
    9 kills

    Lancang Dam
    16 kills

    10 kills

    8 kills
    BeastMode, Stormy

    15 kills

    Operation Locker
    21 kills

    flood zone
    11 kills
    headhunter, bscrubin, parch

    Hainan Resort
    5 kills
    headhunter, bscrubin, parch

    11 kills
    headhunter, bscrubin, parch

    8 kills
    headhunter, bscrubin,

    14 kills
    headhunter, parch,

    Operation Locker
    12 kills
    headhunter, parch,

    4 kills
    cheezy, parch,

    rouge transmition
    17 kills
    head, scrubs, randy

    2 kills
    head, scrubs, randy

    flood zone
    17 kills
    scrubs, head, parch

    hainan resort
    14 kills
    tricky, head, scrubs, parch

    19 kills
    tricky, head, scrubs, parch

    2 kills
    head, scrubs, parch

    flood zone
    7 kills

    8 kills

    4 kills

    14 kills

    4 kills

    parcel storm
    1 kills

    4 kills
    parch , head, hg

    opeeration locker
    13 kills

    flood zone
    10 kills

    16 kills

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    305 on those so far if i haven't made a mistake

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  3. #3
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    operation locker
    8 kills

    7 kills

    9 kills

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  4. #4
    CAG Stud
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    What the hell lol have you been saving these man lol
    Iv subscribed to this and when I get a bit more free time probably tomorrow after i finish my last shift. il look through each link and check see how you've totalled it up compared to your tally.
    Next time you around I can talk you through where you would look for those other kills if you have used a side arm or switched weapons.Its pretty easy when you understand how earning ribbons works with battlelog.
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  5. #5
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    What the hell lol have you been saving these man lol
    Iv subscribed to this and when I get a bit more free time probably tomorrow after i finish my last shift. il look through each link and check see how you've totalled it up compared to your tally.
    Next time you around I can talk you through where you would look for those other kills if you have used a side arm or switched weapons.Its pretty easy when you understand how earning ribbons works with battlelog.
    thanks john... yeah, i went through past battle reports and kinda got sick of it after so many. lol could probably find more games if i looked far enough back but i play solo a lot and not finding witnesses in matches put me off looking through more

    i noticed after the first few that there was a total for vehicle kills so i started to take this into consideration once i realised but sidearm, grenade etc kills i have no idea

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
    thanks john... yeah, i went through past battle reports and kinda got sick of it after so many. lol could probably find more games if i looked far enough back but i play solo a lot and not finding witnesses in matches put me off looking through more

    i noticed after the first few that there was a total for vehicle kills so i started to take this into consideration once i realised but sidearm, grenade etc kills i have no idea

    Lol know the feeling with not finding witnesses,timezone puts me to at a deficit in regards to working on awards or id have quite a few more.
    Its quite easy to explain the situation surrounding the kills.
    So u know where to look on each report that shows best weapon kills/vehicle kill an all that jazz.
    Right underneath after you finish each round on your report you will see ribbons that you have earned ie conquest ribbon,anti vehicle ribbon etc(this is where exactly we work all the kills out apart from the self explanatory best weapon kills)
    Right so requirements dont allow for explosive or vehicle kill in any general weapon award.
    Vehicle kills can be tracked via best vehicle section on the report.
    Grenades cannot be tracked as there is no grenade area on the report or respective grenade ribbon same goes for C4 and projectile explosives.The tracking of this has to be done through process of elimination which il get into in a bit.
    When it comes to ribbons like any other achievement you have to meet certain criteria to earn these same goes for service stars and medals.Anyways any general weapon ribbon (primary weapon ie AR,Carbine,Lmg,Shotgun,Dmr,Sniper Rifle) all take the same amount of kills to earn a ribbon(6 kills total)
    Pistol ribbons require 4 kills to achieve the relevant ribbon.
    Theres also a respective ribbon for mêlée (knifings) but id have to check what this requires as I haven't earned one in a bit but you get the idea.
    Bare in mind that only total kills that amount to a ribbon are part of the confirmable kills you hear us talking about.
    So here's the situation -
    You play a round with the assault class with the AR160 and achieve 14 kills,you switch to an Lmg achieving another 8 kills,then onto a shotgun with a further 5 kills.When in CQC you achieve 12 kills with the M1911 pistol and 6 grenade kills and this concludes your round.
    So lets work out the kills -
    On the score board you find you total kills which for that round would be 45.Bare in mind this will not be the confirming total due to use of explosives and kills earned that dont accumulate to earning a ribbon.
    So we know we need to work out weapon ribbons and decipher possible explosives as well.
    Best weapon for this would be -
    AR160 with 14 kills (confirmable as it shows on report)
    Ribbons earned -
    LMG ribbon = 6 kills - you had 8 LMG kill so theres 2 kills that cannot be confirmed as they don't amount to the criteria to earn a ribbon so 6 total here.
    Shotgun ribbon = 6 kills - you earned 5 kills which wont amount to a ribbon so therefore cannot be confirmed
    Pistol ribbon = 4 kills - you earned a total of 12 kills with the M1911 all of which are confirmable as it takes the 4 kills to make a ribbon.This will show on the report as a pistol ribbon and have a x3 beside it to show that theres 3 ribbons and therefore 12 kill.
    You earned 6 grenade kills which dont have a respective ribbon so therefore cannot be confirmed.
    You total all the kills that are confirmable ie your best weapon and other weapon ribbons which would give you your confirmable kill total that proves no explosives or vehicle kills have been included.In this case it would be a total of 32.
    The only way we can effectively rule out the possibility of explosive kills is by using this method of elimination to confirm with best weapon and ribbons.
    And there you have it our best weapon and ribbon rule what you hear us all talking about.
    I cant get online until Monday so I figured id try and do you a write up to explain how we do this,if you need any help with this im afraid it'll have to wait until Monday night buddy.
    CAG JB

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  7. #7
    Banyan Sevou's Avatar
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    I'm confused played a few games last night on BF4 after submitting application didn't use a vehicle in all my games I played. My first game after app was Zav 311 I got 12 kills,11 with AEK. I can see the vehicle as N/A as I did not use a vehicle. Next Golmud got 8 kills 4 with RPK I must of used another weapon class for the 4 other kills. Vehicle N/A. Dawnbreaker 15 kills 14 with RPK vehicle N/A. Op locker 9 kills 8 with Hawk 12G vehicle N/A. Does that mean I got 37 confirmed kills according to Battlelog? 11+4+14+8=37.

    Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

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  8. #8
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    Lol know the feeling with not finding witnesses,timezone puts me to at a deficit in regards to working on awards or id have quite a few more.
    Its quite easy to explain the situation surrounding the kills.
    So u know where to look on each report that shows best weapon kills/vehicle kill an all that jazz.
    Right underneath after you finish each round on your report you will see ribbons that you have earned ie conquest ribbon,anti vehicle ribbon etc(this is where exactly we work all the kills out apart from the self explanatory best weapon kills)
    Right so requirements dont allow for explosive or vehicle kill in any general weapon award.
    Vehicle kills can be tracked via best vehicle section on the report.
    Grenades cannot be tracked as there is no grenade area on the report or respective grenade ribbon same goes for C4 and projectile explosives.The tracking of this has to be done through process of elimination which il get into in a bit.
    When it comes to ribbons like any other achievement you have to meet certain criteria to earn these same goes for service stars and medals.Anyways any general weapon ribbon (primary weapon ie AR,Carbine,Lmg,Shotgun,Dmr,Sniper Rifle) all take the same amount of kills to earn a ribbon(6 kills total)
    Pistol ribbons require 4 kills to achieve the relevant ribbon.
    Theres also a respective ribbon for mêlée (knifings) but id have to check what this requires as I haven't earned one in a bit but you get the idea.
    Bare in mind that only total kills that amount to a ribbon are part of the confirmable kills you hear us talking about.
    So here's the situation -
    You play a round with the assault class with the AR160 and achieve 14 kills,you switch to an Lmg achieving another 8 kills,then onto a shotgun with a further 5 kills.When in CQC you achieve 12 kills with the M1911 pistol and 6 grenade kills and this concludes your round.
    So lets work out the kills -
    On the score board you find you total kills which for that round would be 45.Bare in mind this will not be the confirming total due to use of explosives and kills earned that dont accumulate to earning a ribbon.
    So we know we need to work out weapon ribbons and decipher possible explosives as well.
    Best weapon for this would be -
    AR160 with 14 kills (confirmable as it shows on report)
    Ribbons earned -
    LMG ribbon = 6 kills - you had 8 LMG kill so theres 2 kills that cannot be confirmed as they don't amount to the criteria to earn a ribbon so 6 total here.
    Shotgun ribbon = 6 kills - you earned 5 kills which wont amount to a ribbon so therefore cannot be confirmed
    Pistol ribbon = 4 kills - you earned a total of 12 kills with the M1911 all of which are confirmable as it takes the 4 kills to make a ribbon.This will show on the report as a pistol ribbon and have a x3 beside it to show that theres 3 ribbons and therefore 12 kill.
    You earned 6 grenade kills which dont have a respective ribbon so therefore cannot be confirmed.
    You total all the kills that are confirmable ie your best weapon and other weapon ribbons which would give you your confirmable kill total that proves no explosives or vehicle kills have been included.In this case it would be a total of 32.
    The only way we can effectively rule out the possibility of explosive kills is by using this method of elimination to confirm with best weapon and ribbons.
    And there you have it our best weapon and ribbon rule what you hear us all talking about.
    I cant get online until Monday so I figured id try and do you a write up to explain how we do this,if you need any help with this im afraid it'll have to wait until Monday night buddy.

    my god there's a lot of work to do just for marksman games..... starting to second guess if i really want this award now lol

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banyan Sevou View Post
    I'm confused played a few games last night on BF4 after submitting application didn't use a vehicle in all my games I played. My first game after app was Zav 311 I got 12 kills,11 with AEK. I can see the vehicle as N/A as I did not use a vehicle. Next Golmud got 8 kills 4 with RPK I must of used another weapon class for the 4 other kills. Vehicle N/A. Dawnbreaker 15 kills 14 with RPK vehicle N/A. Op locker 9 kills 8 with Hawk 12G vehicle N/A. Does that mean I got 37 confirmed kills according to Battlelog? 11+4+14+8=37.

    Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

    You would essentially need to post your marksman thread in the battlefield awards and medals forum in the format of -
    Game Mode-
    Map -
    CAG Member/s Present -
    Kills -
    Link to battlelog report of respective game -
    Just by going off what you say buddy I cant say accurately what kills you achieved,this is why we ask for the battlelog link for purposes of proof in any award thread.
    CAG JB

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  10. #10
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    You would essentially need to post your marksman thread in the battlefield awards and medals forum in the format of -
    Game Mode-
    Map -
    CAG Member/s Present -
    Kills -
    Link to battlelog report of respective game -
    Just by going off what you say buddy I cant say accurately what kills you achieved,this is why we ask for the battlelog link for purposes of proof in any award thread.
    i completely understand the need for all the info John. i thought i provided everything needed in my posts including the battlelog link though i didn't realise there was a lot more to it. if i am to get all this laid out properly im going to need to allocate a chunk of free time. lol

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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