i would like to get a squad together this weekend to go after BOTH the Combat Action Ribbon and Quarterpounder medals. Friday or Saturday, whatever works best for all parties. i would prefer we do it in Dom, there is a better chance of getting positive if you have a shitty start.
i would like "definitive yes men" first and foremost, guys that will play Dom for a few hours straight minus a food/drink or piss break if need be. i don't want anyone that feels like they might get tired and go to bed after getting the Combat Action ribbon or just say "fuck it, i'm tired."
NOTE: i never really get pissed at anyone for anything but quit before we finish and watch me hate you forever. (ok not literally, i'm just trying to express my level of commitment to bang this out) i know for a fact this can be done.
Empy i hope your down for this bud.
post your level of definitive answer, your best day and probability of availability to start.