New Recruits Introduce yourselves!
All new recruits should come in here and introduce themselves to all of CAG. If current Members of CAG would like to do so as well, you are strongly encouraged.
New recruits welcome to CAG and hope you guys establish yourselves as permanent fixtures in CAG.
Re:New Recruits Introduce yourselves!
The recruits had a tough night last night, but regardless, they hung in there.
Make sure you guys come in here and introduce yourselves.
DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
I just wanted to personally welcome you to CAG and hope you make it as an Official Member of the Clan. I am giving you full access to our Clan Members only area which will allow you to access and use our Shoutbox which will automatically open when you log in the next time, so make sure you log off and log back on. It will also give you access to our Clan Members and recruits only section.
Once again welcome to CAG and hope you stay on top of things here at CAG. Make sure to read the Rank and Command Structure so you can get familiar with our system here at CAG.
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Thanks for the welcome guys! We had some good games last night. All of you 360 guys add me and we'll play some MW2. GT - DroppinSuga
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Yeah dude, we had a good day yesterday, I want to commend you on your communication yesterday. I liked the way you communicated and really stayed on top of everything. If you read the Rank and Command structure Article under our private are, you should not be shocked too know that you will be our new Point-Man during matches.
So give it your best and lets kick some MW2 ass later tonight!
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Sounds great man! I'll be online around 6PM EST. I'll be online til atleast 11PM. I look forward to kickin' more ass tonight ha.
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Sorry for being late but welcome to the family.
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Lol, took you long enough! 2 years later the man responds
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Droppin, I moved you up to FireTeam Alpha, you will be our Point-Man until you promote to Private. I should be on later tonight, I go to work today and probably wont be home till around 6-7 pm pacific time. I will see you guys then.
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Nice! I'll try to be on but it depends on what the wife has planned for tonight.
Re:DroppinSuga Welcome to CAG
Thanks dude. I've only got to play with the clan once but it was great. I look forward to getting in a game with you.
soapage Welcome to CAG
I wanted to be the 1st to welcome you to CAG soapage. Hope you stay active on our forums and the website. Please read through everything and browse as much as you can. In order to be promoted you need a certain amount of posts on our forums and you must follow other rules.
Hope to play with you soon.
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
Well, welcome to the family, and, as Cheech said, hope your active on the site
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
Yeep, I recruited him from the IGN Boards, he is my 3rd recruit from the IGN Boards, so lets make them feel at home. Thanks for your welcome reaper you rock!
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
Welcome on board soapage.
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
DROPPIN! have you edited your profile in our Roster Management?
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
Thanks guys... I am here to help in the battle for global domination... straight from international waters. As i mentioned before to cheech i am willing to fill in any spots necessary. Just let me know and hopefully I will mow them down.
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
You are from the Dominican Republic right?
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
yeah from Dominican Republic... if you guys have facebook you can add me paperstreetcompany@hotmail.com thats my facebook email...
Re:soapage Welcome to CAG
Cheech - I don't think I've edited it yet, I'll do that now
soapage - I added you on FB and again, welcome
Hey dude, I though I remember you. Whats going on? I got your application and of course you can give it a 2nd go it. Hope you stay active on the forums so you can help yourself get promoted. Look over everything and especially the new Rank and Unit Structure ( Chain of Command ); breaks everything down and answers a lot of questions.
So nice to have you back and hope you stick with us this time.
yea im sorry bout leaving out like i did but there was just b/s goin with that girl just didn't wanna put up with her anymore, you know me i should rank up pretty fast, ty for the second chance i should be gettin a xbox here within a week or two idk what games ill have...my cod4 is scratched up i gotta get it cleaned then it should work...imma try to get mw2 though...i would be able to message on xobox but my gold ran up ill have to get it when i get my box... hope to play with yall again soon..
We will talk about your Rank in the Clan in private. I hold no grudges and you should know how I treat my Clan Members. Get what you need and let me know whats going on. I opened up the shoutbox for you so you can use it now.
Welcome back bitch, and lets get rocking!
ok kewl can't find the shout box but if you still got yahoo messenger you can add me joe_shmo187@yahoo.com whoever wants to can add really...
Log off and log back on. You logged on when you still didn't have access to it.
Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
Hello everyone for those of you that have been around for awhile this is shmo, for all others my name is joe or shmo what ever you would like to call me. lol anywho id just like for everyone to know im gonna need a spotter once i get my xbox, (COD4 or MW2) dunno yet which game ill be playing if not both but i will need sumone that has a good eye for the action, and also be able to handel alot of support, bc when they get mad at me they all come...so where ever my rambo is out there please post and when i get my xbox we'll see what happens..thank you very much hope to be playing with yall soon....Shmo
Welcome back, even though I don't know who you are.
ty hope to be kickin sum arse with ya soon
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
I can get your back dude. I got a pretty good eye for enemy positions and whatnot
Welcome back bro. I'm still a recruit myself, but it's always nice to see new guys whether they're brand new or old guys rejoining.
Good to see you guys welcoming back N1NJA. Lets not stop there and keep and eye out for new recruits though. See you guys soon.
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
Ok when i get my xbox back ill be going threw people to find out which person i work the best with thank you for replying and youll be the first that i team up with, we'll see how we work together....just fair warning...opposing teams hate my sniper rifle and will go threw hell to get to me...good luck to ya
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
That is the purpose of working together as a Sniper Team, they will eventually start looking for you and that's when the spotter gets his kills. The other night Droppin and I held of an area and it was funnier than hell, he got his kills and I got mine, plus the WIN!
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
thats what im looking for just need them extra set of eyes from time to time, i hate it when i get left all alone with no backup i have to go into beast mode then and im getting to old for all that lol
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
beast mode huh..lol...its gonnah be fun again dude welcome back bitch
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
You know how i roll bro BEAST MODE (always) [ON] OFF, glad to be back, ready to make sum grown men cry
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
hell the last couple months i played i prestiged quite a few times i think im at 9th idk.. got that shit quick, amazing what you can do with a sniper rifle and a few calymores http://needasig.com/UOWOB.png
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
cool ass sig bro i changed my avatar and im testing my sig [img] http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/81/l_76a7045e8c354813a9eb14eebd5ff763.jpg
Re:Your Friendly neighbor hood sniper is back
Beast mode... lol I like it.