tom clan y rainbow six seize is a open beta on ps4 don't know if xbox have it
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tom clan y rainbow six seize is a open beta on ps4 don't know if xbox have it
I've never played a rainbow six game so all new to me but I hear it's a big thing so I've downloaded the beta
It is on the Xbox. Open beta across all platforms. Really a freaking great game. I love it!
well I'll have to get it on 360 aswell
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I dont think Siege supported 360 or PS3. Not 100% sure but I think I read or heard that somewhere.
I seen on Twitter a little while ago that said Servers are ready to go. Had tp Fix connection issues for PS4 and now correcting Xbox One
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I'll join you lot tomorrow on it as watching film then bed me thinks to tired for COD AND RAINBOW SIX SEIGE
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I wont be able to game until tomorrow maybe even till thursday ..i already have all utilities and my internet hooked up at my new apartment but I wont be moving all my shit till tomorrow morning after I get off of work ..i then have to unpack and get everything situated and in place ... But as soon as I get everything going I will jump on the beta !!!
Where my rainbow boyz at?
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I am downloading it as we speak! had a ton of fun in the closed beta. Hopefully to get a team and play realism.
Yeah I'm hoping to get to play today kids in school wife asleep after a night shift woop all on my own play rainbow and COD
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So whens the servers up for this as I downloaded the beta and I states that the servers aren't operations for me
apparently in uk at 3 pm so about 11 am pst
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Typical,3pm when I gotta do shit
Same I just don't see why they don't start it at the start of the day
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downloading now!
Doesn't look like I will be able to make this final beta, but I have had it pre ordered since they announced it
Well im downloaded and good to go with this,curious as to see how this plays out for me
Mine is done downloading just waiting for the servers to go up
Keep your light safe Guardian
yea I downloaded m8ne yesterday but servers are down so gotta way now but should be fun never played a tom clan y game before I got told about it and thought might as well try it out I might even get the actual game when it comes out 😞
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I was playing yesterday. No issues at all for me.
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The servers were supposed to be up at 10est
Keep your light safe Guardian
I'm pst. And was playing there new mode. I enjoyed it
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What is their new game mode?
Keep your light safe Guardian
The disappointment
Keep your light safe Guardian
Figures,just like every big game to hit the scenes.
Il be uninstalling later and doubt il have the time to open test the beta when it does happen.
Il just have to look forward to the division
All that hype for nothing
Keep your light safe Guardian
Seems that way Evolution,they would be better not releasing another beta and concentrating on the full game drop without any hitches.
Sac said he got in a game and so did some guy on Twitter I am going to see if it will work now
Keep your light safe Guardian
True Wat a waste of ps4 space
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Been installing since this morning hopefully it will be good to go once I get back from dropping off this turkey
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That's 1:15 est
Keep your light safe Guardian
Ill be on tonight fellas, lets get some gametime in!!!
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Keep your light safe Guardian
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Maintenance is done for Xbox but I don't think anyone can play
Keep your light safe Guardian