Anyone from the clan participating in the H Hour PC games??
Man... What I wouldn't do for some Killing Fields or BoneYard!!
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Anyone from the clan participating in the H Hour PC games??
Man... What I wouldn't do for some Killing Fields or BoneYard!!
Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
I can't wait for h-hour.
Is it strictly going to be pc? If so I need to get plugged in asap. Arguably the greatest game series ever created
That's a tricky question..haha,it was supposed to eventually make it to ps4.But as of now it's just a pc/steam title. Hopefully soon?
I need to get a better PC to run looks/sounds almost identical to SOCOM 1,2,C/A.
Lots of old friends tested it in the Beta,and they love it.
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Ya,Confrontation was a step in the wrong direction.Still a good game in its own right..but not Socom.
And Socom 4 was a embarrassment!
Socom1-Combined Assault are the standard in my opinion.
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I think SOCOM: Confrontation was still a good game I played it till the end ....
I played it for a while,nearly to the end actually.I definitely thought it was a good game.Just thought a few little details kept it from really being what it could of,in my opinion.
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It didn't help that COD 4 the year before came out and with it took away a large number of players who just didn't have the skill to play SOCOM games ....then came MW2 the year after and it really put a dent in all the other shooting games not just SOCOM ...
If it wasn't for COD and it's simplistic "pick up and play" game that anyone without game skills can just pick up and play, SOCOM would of kept going ... Sony completely fucked up by shutting down Zipper and Slant 6 ...
Sony felt the pressure from Microsoft and Infinity Ward and Activision whom developed and published games for both Playstation and XBOX not just Sony like Sony had Zipper and Slant 6 do ...
The biggest fuck up Sony and Microsoft can do and continue doing is making games exclusive to their consoles ... SOCOM had a chance to go to XBOX but Sony said no and then right away they shut down Zipper ... are you fucking kidding me? lol ...
This is why I hope this new Rainbow Six game kicks some serious fucking ass .. I am tired of this no skill bullshit pick up and play games from Activision and Infinity, both of these assholes fucked up the shooting genre beyond belief !!!
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I agree with ya Cheech. They majorly screwed the pooch on that one. I as well hope RS6 kills it. I have been itching for a good strategy, may the best setup win game to come out.
I have a feeling the community at first will be huge but then it will dwindle down. All the COD and BF players will get pissy and leave because of no respawns. Same thing happened with the SOCOM series. After that time period, then the true competition will shine through and that is what I am truly excited for.