CAG: Official Rainbow 6 Siege Thread
This is going to be the official Rainbow 6 Siege thread for us to start preparing for it. As many of you probably already know if you guys read our clan's history, CAG started on Rainbow Six Vegas by name but our roots go back even further.
I personally am very anxious and optimistic about Rainbow 6 Siege. The many videos and articles I have read on this game have me reminiscing old times on Rainbow 6 games when tactical gameplay and real clan matches took place. Clans during this time really had their shit together and you very rarely ran into another clan that didn't know what they were doing.
Rainbow 6 games made clans even more desirable to be in and a new Rainbow 6 game couldn't of been announced at a better time than now. It has been years since I really enjoyed and was excited about being in a clan match like we used to have back in the Rainbow 6 days and I think when R6 Siege comes out a lot of you are going to see a very different side of CAG as I personally will be recruiting very tactful and patient gamers who like to play in real clan matches like the good ole' days !!!
I would like to know how many of you out there played Rainbow 6 on the old xbox and at the beginning of the 360 days ... If you were in a clan back then what clan were you in and what do you remember the most?