I will update this thread each clan wars as teams change. You can locate your teams here.
Team 1: Sgtgundoc
Team 2: ll Gods ll
Team 3: CAG Randuken
Team 4: Sprayaim
Team 5: CAG MR G13
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I will update this thread each clan wars as teams change. You can locate your teams here.
Team 1: Sgtgundoc
Team 2: ll Gods ll
Team 3: CAG Randuken
Team 4: Sprayaim
Team 5: CAG MR G13
These teams look stacked. No way we're coming in anything but first. Let's go!
That's some sexy teams right there. Good luck to you all
I will be slightly intoxicated if this starts tomorrow...but good news is I play great when im drunk
Can't wait to fuck shit up again 👊
Keep in mind. Clan Wars is NOT this weekend. It was delayed due to some Activision issues. They rescheduled Plat division for next weekend and have yet to reschedule diamond division. As soon as I know anything I will be sure to inform each and everyone one of you.
ActWitNoVision suxs ass chalk this up to another clan wars that i will be unable to attend due to work schedule....suxs ass n cheese. To be honest you would think missing work for clan wars woild be an excused absence BUT NAWwww they want to make it difficult.
CoD US Battalion Commander
Lt. Colonel
Wait....they pushed it back again!?!?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Wtf ??? I was all ready to go for today ?
I bought my Beer n My Hard Liquor and My Damn Monsters just for tonight smh .
Now I guess I gotta Drink it just for the Hell of it lol
Parch, patron, bxBuilt, brutality and myself are good to go
I have posted the new point of contacts. I would like to do the draft tomorrow. Night around 8 est, I know it kinda late notice but I would liketo try and get this done with the battle royal been on April 11 and 12. Thanks in advance let me know if you can or can't make it so we can find a new date if we can't do it tomorrow.
I'm down for both days!
I'm can do both days, full time.
Good for both days, let's kick some ass
I'm in for sure