Weapon Buffs Coming Soon
Sledgehammer Games are working on a full weapon balance pass for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. They are looking through all the player data and each weapon in every class to find the best ways to adjust weapons based upon fan feedback.
Condrey on Twitter has confirmed that they are looking at buffs for weapons across classes, including shotguns.
In addition, a user asked on Twitter about if they plan on nerfing weapons or just buffing, and Condrey responded stating that they are looking at buffing current under-powered weapons, to match those weapons up with some of the over powered weapons in game.
No ETA yet on when this weapon update will be available. Stay tuned.
Good to know they're still paying attention to the community. Hopefully the patch brings a little diversity to the top guns.
Something's don't need to be messed with thougj . hopefully they don't make a god weapon
That's good to know. Hopefully they give the SMG's a once-over so we can actually not get destroyed when trying to go up against someone with a ball or cowboy or something like that. I like SMG's, but right now, they are way too underpowered for my liking.
anymore buffs to some guns (in my opinion the asm1) though will make a few guns unstobble. i just hope they are careful from that aspect, but i like that they are trying to make sure some guns compete
In my experience when they do a buff they also nerf something. So If they add damage they then add more kick to the gun. Same with firerate. A lot of times they just change the range so you get long 3 shot kills.
There are a lot of underpowered guns in the game so this would be a good thing. AMR comes to mind...
i think all the guns need reworking to one degree or another.
This will probably go horrible wrong, always more harm than good on a first fix. I hope not tho
Nah it'll be fine. In fact I've been hoping for a patch, I enjoyed when the bal was OP because it was so versatile, you could use it across map or up close, with the asm1 its really difficult to use cross map, which is why it is annoying to use for a player like me. Patches are usually pretty good, in fact so far they've helped to balance the game since its launch date.
Good shit......i think?
Bravo Company Commander
This is the only way that "Buffs" will turn out right:
- SMGs need to have their range dropped by a lot. In real life you would not engage in mid to long range battles and win a firefight against someone who has an AR or LMG. The accuracy for SMGs in every COD game since "COD: Modern Warfare" has been a joke, they are to accurate from long range !!!
- Sniper rifles need to be "One shot, One kill" weapons in hardcore, no way we should get hit markers with these on Hardcore when in Core you get quick scoped by someone and you get killed with one shot !!!
- ARs need to be the hardest to go up against period !!!
- Shotguns need to have their range dropped as well, way too accurate at mid to long range just like the SMGs
- LMGs need to be the most powerful weapon systems in the game, able to penetrate through walls and most objects and less accurate at long range as well, mid range they are pretty dead on , but you can snipe right now with an LMG and in real life that is very difficult to do !!!
But odds are that none of these things will happen because they want to appeal more to the "pick up and play" gamer than the gamer who is looking for a more realistic and simulation type of game ...
If they actually made the changes above to the game there would be so many unhappy gamers they would abandon the game within a week .... COD is not for us who like realistic shooters ...