Beginner Tips/infos?
I'm thinking about getting this soon and since it seems to be a new style of game for me was just wondering if there's any useful beginner infos or tips I should be aware of. So far I've just been watching gameplay on youtube to get used to stuff before actually getting it.
I have not played in a long time, but WoT is awesome. I played it on PC mainly because it was free so I decided to give it a go. I know the countries have different tanks but I beleive there is a way to go depending on what type of player you want to be.
Yes Twonn is correct. There is no best tank entirely. The stats on a tank help but it doesn't decide everything. It depends on the operator too. Decide what you like and go from there. You'll do better in tanks you enjoy more likely. I am more of a tank destroyer/medium kind of guy. I have heavies and artillery but I do best in my mediums and TDs and usually have more fun. Definitely be patient is a good overall tip. Such as don't rush in depending on the situation. Also be patient with your aim. Let the reticle close so you have the best chance at an accurate shot. Along with accurate shots, think about where to shoot, some spots are more armored on a tank than others. Generally the flat side and back end of a tank are the weakest spots on a tank but obviously you won't always have those shots. Strategy and team work is a huge part of WoT. Unfortunately many people don't realize and just do whatever. When you see the entire team go to one half of the map it's what we call a lemming train. The fools all see others go that way and think it's fool proof. It hardly works. That's why it's best to work in a platoon (squad/group/etc.). Even a small platoon can hold off against multiple opponents even when it seems unlikely simply because it is much more organized. These are some of the better tips I can give just through a post. However if you ever want to play with us we can help even more and plus it's more fun to play with others. I'm on pretty much every day and I know CAG SILENT plays often. There are a few others too. So if you need any extra help feel free to send me a message or even add me![emoji1]
I definitely will when I do thanks. :)
How often do you guys play this? I tried it once. First impressions tell me its not for me, but I always give games a 2nd chance just to make sure. Not to mention, I have a feeling it would help if I played with someone, not by myself.
im always on and am willing to help. the main thing in this game is patience patience patience. your going to want to run up and mess shit up. but u need to learn your tank and use its up side to take advantage of the other players.
If you are still up for it just hit me up so i can invite you. I can help you get set up buddy on any thank and show you how to use it well.
i tryed to play this today, and well it was bad i kepted getting blew to bits from god nos were, i did get afew kills but i felt totally lost to it all, i must take the advice above on board and try again
hell yeah keep it up. if your on and want to go a couple of rounds hit me up. i changed my gt though... it is now XBigDaddyCrushX ive got tanks tiers 2-9 and can help u out if u want
Will do thanks for the offer
Big daddy, am gona hit clans wars all weekend, i think tanks would be a good game for me if I learn the ropes, I will hit u up after wars and would be greatful if u will run me tho the ins and outs