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Post your marksman here
Heavy churchill 3 kills
witnessed by soulseeker1972
artillery m12 3 kills
witnessed by soulseeker1972
light hotchkiss h35 3 kills
witnessed by soulseeker1972
tank destroyer su-85 3 kills
witnessed by soulseeker1972
light t1e6-x 3 kills
witnessed by soulseeker 1972
Tyty. Ive more where that came from lol
I confirm all of these. Great killing bro. Silent he has now met his requirements for full membership
ty seeker was a pleasure killing with u and silent as well
I will add a forum for this tomorrow you guys ..let me know what else you guys need for the WoT forums ...
3 kills
Map: El Halluf
Witnessed by: SoulSeeker1972, stonerbear42000, xSILENT 310x
2 kills
Map: Port
Witnessed by: xSILENT 310x
4 kills
Map: Siegfried Line
Witnessed by: xSILENT 310x
3 kills
Map: Widepark
Witnessed by: xSILENT 310x
3 kills
Map: Redshire
Witnessed by: xSILENT 310x
SprayAim Marksman games
Thank you kind sirs
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Damn it.... Disregard that first game. Only got 2 kills..... My bad
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Here we go......
That's all 5 marksman games done :)
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Confirmed spray
Well no offence silent... And I mean that sincerely ... But in a game where a full member Is not necessary due to no cheating opportunities Available to a player and because of my huge time difference and server conflictions I recommend that you re-think this decision................
I don't want to be a problem and point faults to a higher ranking member of CAG in the CoC but I would very thoughtfully like to point out that in certain circumstances, exceptions should be made....
This is not cod where any kills may be attained under false pretence....
I have given a lot of my free time to WoT, while I am happy to do so to propel CAG in the right direction. I will not continue to do so if red tape takes president to common sense
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I know what you mean, but even though it not COD it been apart of CAG for year's i plan on keeping it that way buddy sorry. Plus it show member's interacting with other's as i feel is best for the clan. "Team" If you feel their is red tape i sorry you feel that way, but this is the way i feel is best to get those medals. The other medals that will be added will not require a member present.
1st Lieutenant
WoT Platoon Commander
Oh... And while I am I am on the subject.. I do not "feel" there is red tape - there IS ref tape by your choosing
But whatever... You wanna make things difficult for people then that is your prerogative but I will no longer be giving any of my free time for a division that operates this way
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Every division around here operates in the manner that other members have to be in game to confirm. Do not go blaming this on Silent or any other individual person. CAG awards need to be verified by other members that's all there is to it. Call it red tape or whatever you want it's the rules.
We are not going to start another disagreement discussion on the forums ... Spray you know the rules, you are already a member and those special circumstances are only for the new recruits ... if we allow you to do it then we have to allow everyone to do this... won't happen ... if you don't want to contribute to WoT's operation then don't we don't need you to start criticizing Silent and CAG's way of doing this ... you have been here long enough ..we don't need another drama filled thread ...leave it out of this thread ....
I have not commented to start a disagreement or to to and fro on these forums. I have voiced my opinion and my standing on the matter and will leave it at that
If silent feels the need to make a member being present to confirm then so be it. That is the way he wants to run things and I find no fault with it but I also will not stay awake till daft o'clock in the morning for me to play games with an American for confirmation on my scores..... Especially after being told in another thread that a screenshot is enough.....I am pointing out a flaw, whether you chose to see it is CAG's prerogative
I will not argue or rebel against any decision. Just pointing out that there may be reconsiderations to circumstances due... I am after all 5-8 hours ahead of many members
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Can you link me to the thread where you were told a screenshot is enough? ... and ty for "accepting" procedures Spray ... Yes we have had "special circumstances" where screenshots have been allowed to confirm games ...but I need to see where "You" were told that ....ok?
@ Cheech I don't mean to hijack this thread, but unless it's a "special circumstances" . Wouldn't a lot screenshots hurt our website. Also is it a judgement call or do we need to go through you it Toxic for approval for use of screenshots
XBOX 360 Division Commander
Major General
I don't think so Bear, I think it's the same thing with YouTube videos...the website doesn't actually host or store the pics/video it's just a link to where said pic/video is. I think.
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Am just going to leave this here, hopefully its done correct and in the proper place!?
Rocky110901 photos of marksman games :
These look good 2 me just make that it pic shows u survived the match... the first one doesn't
I wasn't sure on that first one, this one should be good?
yes that 1 works gr8 work
Thanks, I was trying to hold that one for a higher medal but hey
just giving this thread a bump
Went 2-0 today in front of SprayAim on MINES/STANDARD BATTLE.
hope this is in the right place.
Finally got 5 & my pics are too large to upload. Does a mastery medal count? Lol. Just kidding. I'll figure something out.
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