Anyone playing ArmA or DayZ? Looking to play with some cool people.
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Anyone playing ArmA or DayZ? Looking to play with some cool people.
(Dude, I frekin' love your signature.)
Anyways, I'd love to man, but I don't have enough money to buy those games. I've got Team Fortress 2, but I don't really think that counts.
Dayz mod or SA?
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My PC can't handle SA but I do have the mod.
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Stand alone
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I have dayz mod with arma 2.
Is arma 3 worth getting over arma 2?
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
European Battalion Commander
I played a bit of ArmA II / DayZ and enjoyed it a lot. I picked up ArmA 3 a while back and logged about 15 minutes on it, seems like an awesome game.
Man I can't wait to get a new computer, may be a while but I would totally be down for some ArmA or Day Z
That would be fun to get a couple guys with mics to play that
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Yes! I would love to play Arma III or Dayz with someone. Although I have found that I still have a lot of server issues with DayZ at this point because of its early development stages.
Have you checked out the "King of the Hill" or "Battle Royale" game modes yet? Battle Royale is insanely fun to play.
Is this game out? I forgot to even come back to this thread to read about it .. can you update us all on what is going on with it?
both Arma 3 and the Dayz standalone are live, Dayz SA is still in alpha phase
I am not a big fan of DayZ SA so far. I understand its an alpha but they changed some of the mechanics and I am just not a fan. I have been playing DayZ mod all night and enjoying it much more. Been on the Firecock servers. ALso check out the mods for DayZ called Epoch and Overwatch. Seems a lot of the best servers run them both (overpoch)
Hey since I have built my new computer I have picked up Arma 2/DayZ mod. We should get a few guys together and run around on a server one night. would be fun.
Sounds good. Hit me up and ill play. I play on the FireCock Gaming servers.
Steam: izanuff
I'm down to play but I've been around the Arma series for a while and let me tell you, the game shines not in DayZ, which in my opinion killed the games realistic community, but in the realism that can come with the game. Arma is a military simulator which gameplay can be greatly improved by mods. We're talking large scale combat which feels like a warzone. The combat is sussposed to replicate modern day combat scenarios. If anyone's interested in starting a unit or division like that up send me a message. But anyways I'm down for DayZ
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I was watching videos on this im thinking of picking it up.
I watch Frankie on dayZ,thouroughly enjoyable
Let me know zoo and we can run around together
Gemini you got arma 2 or 3? And is it available through steam?
I got arma 2 bundle thru 3 much improved? I wasn't very impressed with 2 if I'm honest...
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
- European Battalion Commander
- Battlefield Brigade - Co Leader
Zoo it's all available through steam. And arch as far as dayz mod wise there isn't much difference. Better gfx and updated a bit, nothing major yet
So i was looking at it on and there is different ones with different stuff not sure what,to get.
Currently the mod is much more stable. The standalone isn't worked on as much as it should be
Not sure what you mean which one should i buy on steam
buy the arma 2 complete collection, do not worry about A3 unless you are interested in realism and what not, and the SA is slowly improving due to the project lead running off with the money. From there i would point you in the direction of a mod by the name of Overpoch, It is a combination of overwatch and epoch mods, they add a shiz ton more guns and vehicles, also you can build bases and go to traders to sell and buy objects and get mad rich. is where you can find the mod downloader, -mod=@dayzoverwatch;@dayz_epoch that is the launch parameter for the mods if you go for that mod.