Ok so I hobbled done stairs and got on the box last night. I had an update, but the pain was to much to play. Maybe tonight.....
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Ok so I hobbled done stairs and got on the box last night. I had an update, but the pain was to much to play. Maybe tonight.....
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Take care of yourself man
Was it after we talked on the phone? lol ...
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I need to heal so I can get back on playing
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I wouldn't know. You haven't played on the 360 in like a year.
Kinda exaggerating there Breaks but it has been a little while.
Sent from my Stonehaven using Tapatalk
I exaggerate a lot. Ask my wife and gym.
9 inches in breaks world is two and a half in a normal society
Tapatalk approves this sexy beast and his post!
See that's what I'm talking about lol.
I have been on the 360 twice since Destiny came out
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I know. I use to game with you. Now, no Covie anywhere
yup its lonely little me over here. and a few other people. that's why I don't get on much any more. unless a new member says they need help or wants to play then I get on
Guys I've been playing destiny unless the new MW comes out. Then I had to have surgery. I've been on 360 3 times since then. I'm not gone. I'm healing.....
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I'm healing to. From a broken heart because you left me lol. But know I know and I hope your starting to feel better
Ouch break i thought we were friends and you would get on the 360 for me
We'll covie man screw the box man sometimes it's just better to take a break and heal and when you return com on strong on breaks face. We will all be waiting for that moment.... Lol
take it easy covie....
I'm trying to get on more. It's hard to get downstairs by myself. Breaks you can message me when you want to roll and soulseeker.
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Breaksk81 likes a good facial
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I only return the favor so your welcome covie.
There we played breaks. Blaahh. ...I miss Tanks. It's a much better game than destiny and free
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Good playing with you tonight covi to bad I lagged off
I had a good time playing blops 2 and Tanks. Did you get Tanks done last night
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Thanks Cheesy. I'm doing better. Just getting around a little finally. I just drove for the first time today, so I'm having one for the pain. Octoberfesthttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/10/15/bybymy2a.jpg
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
It was so good. My first beer in a month
Assistant Commandant
Damn alcoholics lol. i have to hate i stopped drinking years ago...
Theirs nothing wrong with being alcoholic as long as your not a harmful one
Yeah shine is good.... what are we talking about?
I'm not a alcoholic that don't know they have a problem I'm just fun and always fucked up lol
Yes I did. I'm on a 2 beer minimum
Assistant Commandant
I agree Cheesy.
Assistant Commandant