I just saw this and want to share and get your thoughts on this:
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I just saw this and want to share and get your thoughts on this:
A release date has not yet been set.
I saw this yesterday myself. It seems interesting I will probably be getting this.
I dunno, need more details on many points ...
I assume that any game you download as part of the "Vault" is not owned by you, so once your subscription goes then so does your access to the game. How is DLC going to be integrated into that? Will you end up owning the DLC but not the game?
Obviously new games won't be part of the Vault so you'll have to purchase them up front (with that 10% discount). You'll end up owning most of what you actually want to play anyway.
I'm not keen on digital game downloads Yes I know they know added benefits but what happens when hardware fails I gotta go through the hassle of finding each game.
I'm with Kuj on this I wonna see more details. Bad enough we spead billions as gamers as it is you figure give us some discount...
Sounds good on the surface. there will be a lot of questions before they can implement this fully.
I'm not sure i would go this route. I only get 2/3 games per year anyway so the 10% savings on games isn't such a huge thing when you balance it out with the yearly or monthly fee.
This is basically for more hard core EA game fans. Imagine you had this kind of "game vault" idea with a library of 1000's of games? That would interest more people of course.
like nunobomber said it's more of a hardcore gamer thing. If you love sports games and play them a lot then this is worth it. Especially if you purchase the yearly updates.
Not for me. Like someone said ill end up purchasing the games I want in the end. I like digital download as it is nice but getting a few bucks for your games is oh so nice. I only digital download if I know it's a keeper! For example plants vs zombies I did for the gf and whoever who wanted to hop on my Xbox to play it. Little cousin etc..
I agree with joe that it sounds nice for people who play a lot of the sports games.
I'm interested in this. It's a relatively cheap way of getting borrowed access to a bunch of digital games. Don't see nothing wrong about that. Plus the added bonus of early demos/betas/releases/dlc and 10% off on new games ... $30/year for that doesn't seem so bad. At least not now when the PS Now prices have gone public.
I've given EA to much money as it is. Ima pass.
If they have the latest sports games as soon as they come out then I'm aboard. Hell NHL 15 will be as much as a full year of this. I'm dreaming though, that would be way to much value for EA to give lol
if they add access to the 2013 games i purchased then sure why not i can't play them now. if they don't then no. i might only get NHL so i'm not dumping any moar money than i need to.
So I just wanted to bump this thread for new XBOX 1 user. So far EA Access vault has these in there: Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, Madden 25, UFC, Need for Speed:Rivals, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare and Peggle 2. It's $5 month or $30 a year. It's only for XB1. The only way you can pay for it is using a credit card or go to GameStop and 1 yr digital code for $30. There are other cool benefits. So check it out
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