Just wondering, does any CAG members play Dayz (the mod, not standalone)?
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Just wondering, does any CAG members play Dayz (the mod, not standalone)?
i have it but i really don't play it much, if at all
Its a game im rili into at the moment, requires alot of skill and tatics to reap the rewards
I used to play but since thestandalone dropped i uninstalled it all :P tho the mod imo is more difficult than the stand alone itself
most of the time it ends up turning into Deathmatch so i really don't bother with it.
Yea if you were runnin solo it was usually shoot first (or mercilessly bash with a fire axe) and ask questions later if at all. Normally a group of 2 or 3 is good. If the increased zombie spawns aren't an issue that is lol. It's like a catch 22
Its all new now, there is a version of the mod called "overpoch" 500 new types of guns and base building (you should see the bases some guys build!) check it out on youtube!
word will do. just curious man but have you filled out an application?
Na not yet just joind this on taptalk yday
oh ok. are you interested in joining? do you play on console at all or are you just master race?
Lol oh yea ill b up for joining m8, im kinda glued to dayz for da last while on pc, but i play ps3 to gta 5, blackops 1, fifa14. Mostly Dayz tho
It was da main reason for goining this forum was to find a group to kick ass with on dayz
oh ok i feel ya. perhaps one of these days i'll dust her off and join ya for a bit.
Id have to reinstall arma 2 nd operation arrowhead but im down to get a DayZ group going
Good to hear lads! Im on it most nights so wen ye are all set jus let me kno iv a good few supplies stashed away on a couple of diff maps so ill av ye geard up in no time :D
sounds like a plan bud.
aww yeaa, sounds good guys
Haha, since u pointed it out to me i see it now..... OMG im a pirate! All pirates have irish accents anyway dont they? Lol
Does anybody wanna start a Dayz group with me? I usally play bandit style but im not a dick lol
its tough for me especially with the time difference. the only time i would be able to is after 9 PM EST on Thursday or Saturday nights or even Sunday during the day.
I would definetly be all over doin a dayz group, only downfall is I don't have the game let alone a computer good enough to get it sadly
Yea would b kinda hard to get on same time but im sure i could get an hour in here n der, add me on steam mickydarebel
Ahh wat a bummer man, your missin out on some hardcore tactical gameplay, i give it a 10/10 u gotta get on it man
Shit if anyone got a spare they wanna give away for free I'd be grateful as hell
check craigslist man i bought mine off there for 200 bucks including tower monitor and keyboard. only has a 450 GTS and 4 GB RAM but plays DayZ just fine.
i'll add you the next time i get on my PC Mickey, probably tomorrow night as i'm off Friday.
I live in Alaska bro, guys who have gaming comps are gonna want two arms and oral for a setup like that, I thought ram doesnt really matter when it comes to gaming
Also gonna need some money first hahaha, remember blame I lost my job and I'm surviving off sell in all my stuff
Oh I didn't know that. RAM does matter for gaming but not as much as it does for editing.
i'll add you the next time i get on my PC Mickey, probably tomorrow night as i'm off Friday.[/QUOTE]
No prob man looking forword to it :)