Capture the Flag Squad
Alright so i know that brando and kapt mentioned this a little while ago, but i wanted to try and bring the idea a little further. I am thinking about starting up a Capture the Flag Squad. I would like for it to become a more elite squad, since i do want us to, when ready, start competing. I need at least 6 members, including myself, for this squad. I know i won't run into this too much, but I also need guys who will listen to what they should be doing. For example, who is told to run for the flag and who is told to stay and guard the flag. Also they will need to know where their place is, and this would obviously come from practice. These players will need to be open to orders as to what their class setup is (choice of weapon is obviously your choice) and what their killstreak set up is. Everyone will be running Spy Plane for one thing. These practices will be scheduled and could range from planning strategies in private matches to executing the strategies in public matches. Everyone is qualified to guard the flag, but I need to play some with everyone to see who my runners are going to be. The first will be me, so I will need two more runners. The objective of this squad is obviously to win, but I would love to start getting into some ladders, tournaments, etc with this squad on this gametype.. Let me know what you guys think. I have a plethora of ideas already popping up about strategies, class setups, killstreak setups. If enough people show interest in this, then i will start posting some of my ideas, they are all obviously open to criticisms, thoughts about changes, etc.
-General GdubyaB
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
General Gdubs I am all in with you on this one. I will definitely play some CTF with you and who ever else is up to the challenge. Like you said, this game mode will definitely require some strict and disciplined attitude towards the Squad Leader.
So lets do this, think this out really good how it will be set up and lets rock and roll.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Sounds good sir. I will be getting the class and killstreak setups up tomorrow for everyone to look over. The ideas have already been flowing haha
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Good stuff Gdubs, I am looking forward to this big time now. Got me all excited! :P
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I'm 100% in for sure! I love CTF! Note, you can't be too concerned with your stats as a runner if you're playing CTF... the game isn't about K/D. You can have good stats with good teamwork, but it shouldn't be your concern.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
No worries brando, when i said elite, i dont mean the members with the best stats. There are many different elements to being a good player than your stats. ESPECIALLY in an objective game, like you said. I'm looking for the members that excel the best at teamwork. Class and killstreak setups goin up in a few hours.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
can I say again... nicely done with your pic, iLL! ;)
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
CAG GdubyaB wrote:
No worries brando, when i said elite, i dont mean the members with the best stats. There are many different elements to being a good player than your stats. ESPECIALLY in an objective game, like you said. I'm looking for the members that excel the best at teamwork. Class and killstreak setups goin up in a few hours.
and yeah, I was actually telling others that "if you care about your stats and that's your priority, don't bother to join up for CTF". This is a teamwork based game... same with S&D.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Alright here we go, here are my class setups (with explanations) and my killstreak setups that I would like my CTF Squad to be running.
The team will be comprised of 2 guards, 2 escorts, and 2 runners. The guards are going to be responsible for guarding our flag at all costs and keeping the enemy out of our side of the map. If the flag has been taken then the 2 guards are to stay home and await the flag to be returned. They should not chase after the flag unless they are within distance of hitting their target. This is to prevent the enemy team from getting behind us and setting up. The escorts are going to be very important. They are not only responsible for returning the flag if it is taken, but they are also responsible for leading the runner back with the enemy flag. These escorts are to set up midway through the map and await for the runners to breach to the enemy side. If the runners are not able to do the job themselves then one escort may join them to help secure the enemy flag. The other escort should then secure a safe path back to our flags location. The runners role is obvious, get to the flag and secure it at all costs.
K/D ratios are not going to be important. Some games you will do badly, some you will do well. All that matters is that we win. This is an objective game, if you are not up for that then please do not request to be in the squad.
----Class Setup for Guards----
Primary- Choice of assault rifle, must have suppressor, anything else is up to you. This is hardcore, suppressor barely does anything to change the damage.
Secondary- MUST be a launcher for enemy air support. Preferably a Strela3
Lethal- Your preference of grenade. NO tomahawks
Tactical- Concussion. The reason for this is two-fold. Quickest tactical grenade to deploy and also slows down those who are affected. If someone grabs the flag and you know where they are, throw a concussion grenade. It will slow them down to an almost standstill and make them easier to kill. I will take suggestions for this, but as of right now, i would prefer concussion grenades.
Equipment- I would prefer claymores. We only have 2 members to guard our flag site and we all know there are multiple paths on most maps. Claymores will be able to cover that. Also, i understand some of you are still going for weapons qualification badges. My apologies, but not in here. If you happen to have a game that qualifies then sure go ahead. But i do not want people not using explosives (claymores, grenades) and then we lose the game when we could have won.
Perk 1- Ghost. Ghost. Ghost. Guards are to be unseen and undetectable. Most people run Spy Plane in CTF. I would prefer ghost pro, but i know that many of you are still going through prestiges and do not have it acquired yet. Thats fine, obviously we would prefer that everyone have the pro perks, but its alright if you dont.
Perk 2- This is entirely up to you.
Perk 3- This is also up to you.
----Class Setup for Escorts----
Primary- I would prefer Assault Rifles. Something that you are quick with. Famas,AUG,Commando,etc. Suppressor.
Secondary- Your choice of pistol and attachment
Lethal- Your choice of grenade. NO tomahawks
Tactical- Concussion
Equipment- Prefer claymores, you are not only trying to keep the enemy back, but you are also responsible for setting up a safe route back for the runners.
Perk 1- I would prefer Flak Jacket. My reasoning for this is because you are an escort. You take the damage so that the runner can capture the flag.
Perk 2- Up to you
Perk 3- Up to you
----Class Setup for Runners----
Primary- Choice of silenced submachine gun. You need to be able to move quickly and submachine guns have the highest mobility. Silenced because you need to be stealthy. This is hardcore, you cannot just run right in. You need to be stealthy. Can't stress it again. This is not a gung-ho run and gun role. Yes youre running. And gunning. But this is not core. You can't do the traditional run and gun. This is a whole different thing. I will go over this more when i get the strategies down.
Secondary- Choice of pistol and attachment
Lethal- Choice of grenade. NO tomahawks.
Tactical- I would prefer concussion, flash, or smoke. I already went over the usefulness of concussions. Flash could be useful if you get a good hit on the enemy. If its just a small one then they wont be completely flashed and will be able to get you. Smoke.. eh could be useful but you better make sure you dart and dodge when you go for that flag or they are just going to fire in the smoke and tag you.
Equipment- I would prefer either Tactical Insertion or C4. TI so that you can remain close to the flag. Set it up midway through the map and things will be much easier. C4 if youd rather make sure you get some of their guards out of their flags area.
Perk 1- GHOST. You need to be undetectable. As i said earlier, spy planes are used a lot in CTF, especially HC CTF. Its gonna be damn difficult for you to sneak up on someone when they can see where you are.
Perk 2- Your choice. Would prefer Slight of Hand so that you can reload quicker, but thats up to you.
Perk 3- MARATHON. You gotta be fast. You gotta get there quick.
I'll share with you guys what my exact class setups are for the three roles.
Guard- Commando (suppressor, ACOG), Strela, Semtex, Concussion, Claymore, Ghost Pro, Warlord Pro, Hacker Pro
Escort- Famas (suppressor), CZ75 (Suppressor), Semtex, Concussion, Claymore, Flak Jacket Pro, Sleigh of Hand Pro, Ninja Pro
Runner- Mac11 (suppressor), Python (SnubNose), Semtex, Concussion, C4, Ghost Pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, Marathon Pro (i would love for the runners to acquire marathon pro and i'm working on mine right now
----Killstreak Setup----
Spy Plane (required)
Choice of Counter-Spy Plane, SAM Turret, Care Package, Sentry Gun, Napalm Strike, Mortar Team
Choice of Attack Helicopter, Blackbird, Rolling Thunder, Chopper Gunner, Dogs, Gunship
Make sure that your killstreak setup is attainable for what you can do and what your role is. For example, runners are probably not going to be hitting 11 killstreaks. Its possible, but how many times do you think thats going to happen? You're going after the flag at all costs. You're gonna die. Guards are going to be camping in the back, much easier to attain a higher killstreak. I will share one strategy right now with you guys concerning killstreaks. This is hardcore, so every time to die you have to wait a varied amount of time before you respawn. Say one of our guards or escorts is has a...rolling thunder or other high killstreak waiting. Wait till the entire enemy team is spawned. Call in the killstreak. Make sure a good amount of the team is dead and have the runner grab the flag. THe other team is still trying to spawn and we have the flag.. while the other runner gets in position, waits for the first runner to capture the flag, and then the second runner grabs the flag when it reappears. 2 quick captures in a matter of under a minute. For example. Last night i was playing CTF on jungle. I was guarding, got a rolling thunder, knocked out 5 of 6 members on the other team, runners on my team capped the flag. Win. Thats how i want us to do it.
Well thats about all for now. I'm still working on strategies and such so i'll be posting some of that in the upcoming days. Till then, please read this post over and leave your comments.
-General GdubyaB
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Very good post for the classes and set up overall. I am all in on this. CTF can be very fun to play when everyone is doing their assigned job. It will required tons of discipline, so like Gdubs said, only members who are going to follow rules need apply.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Capture the Flag Squad - CAG jsbrando
I’m writing this in response to CAG GdubyaB’s class setup and unit structure for CTF. The reason I write this is because I think there are other options to setting up the unit depending on the map, players, level rank within game, etc. Some players are also more adept at running, escorting, and guarding.
When getting a squad together it’s important that all players have at least 2 classes set up for CTF. The first is for either guarding the flag or escorting runners, and the second for running with the flag. Each match of CTF should have at least 2 guards, 1 escort, and 2 runners. The 6th player should consist of a class for guarding/escorting. This player can be a guard on bigger maps where it dictates, and an escort on smaller maps where guarding needs only 2 players. On all maps the runners are automatically escorts to each other on the way to the flag. After flag is picked up you have one escort and one runner heading back.
So, if we go 2/2/2 you would have two guarding the flag, 2 escorts, and 2 runners. The two guards would set up in designated positions that give visibility to the flag and multiple entry points to the immediate location. Ideally there would be a couple other designated areas the guards could switch between so as to not give away consistent positions. The two escorts would move about half way between our flag and the enemy flag on a pre-determined route and set up escort positions to kill any oncoming enemy as well as protect the runners approach and retreat of the enemy flag. The two runners continue on a pre-determined route to the enemy location where they work together to clear the location of enemy claymores, guards, sensors, etc. that would hinder the ability of picking up the flag. The first runner would, when both are ready, pick up the flag and return on the pre-determined route where the assigned escort would then pick off enemy following and then guide the runner back to the capture point. The second runner would hunker down near the enemy flag position, watch for enemy setup points, and prepare to pick up the flag. As soon as the flag is captured, the second runner picks up the enemy flag after return and heads back on a pre-determined route where he/she is met by their escort. This continues throughout until victory. On a bigger map, such as Array, you could go 3/1/2 or 3/2/1. Same tactics apply, but the pre-determined routes are reduced.
Ideally a 6 member squad would be assigned consistent positions. An escort would be assigned a specific runner, etc. This way you can have multiple pre-determined routes to run and escort and you can break up the two escort/run teams enabling multiple ways to come at the enemy. It also provides better opportunity for killing enemy flag runners who got thru the guard perimeter along more than one route.
Class setup for Guards:
Primary – Assault rifle equipped with a suppressor.
Secondary – The M72 or Strela are the only acceptable option here. You MUST be able to take down enemy aircraft.
Lethal - Either Frag or Semtex are suitable.
Tactical – Flash or Concussion Grenades only. Use this to disorient the enemy when needed. This coupled with your rifle will kill the enemy.
Equipment – Claymore or Motion Sensor. Claymores should be used to guard incoming locations. Motion Sensors could be used to monitor the circumference around the flag.
Perk 1 – Ghost. You need to stay hidden while in your guard location.
Perk 2 – Warlord or Hardened.
Perk 3 - Ninja or Tactical Mask.
Killstreaks – Spy Plane, Sentry Gun, Blackbird (SR71) or Dogs.
Class setup for Escorts:
Primary – Assault rifle. I prefer the Galil and M16.
Secondary – Strela, Pistol, or China Lake.
Lethal – Frag or Semtex.
Tactical – Concussion or Flash grenades.
Equipment – Motion Sensors or Claymores.
Perk 1 – Flak Jacket or Ghost.
Perk 2 – Warlord. This provides you with an ACOG/Supressor setup and extra grenades. You can also go Supressor/Extended Magazine.
Perk 3 – Hacker. This enables you to call out enemy claymores and sensors to the runners.
Killstreaks – Spy Plane, Napalm Strike or Mortar Team, Attack Helicopter (Cobra).
Class setup for Runners:
Primary – Submachine Gun, your choice. Equipped with suppressor and extended magazine.
Secondary – Any pistol is sufficient.
Lethal – Semtex. Your grenades into the enemy flag location MUST stick to the target to eliminate enemy explosives in the area.
Tactical – Smoke grenades or Concussion grenades. Smoke grenades should be used as a smoke screen prior to running into the enemy flag location. Concussion grenades will do the trick of disabling enemy claymores for your run into the flag location as well.
Equipment – Tactical Insertion is the only acceptable equipment for a runner. Anything else is pointless. A claymore could be justified if you were laying it down near your home flag before going to the enemy location.
Perk 1 – Ghost. Ghost Pro is best, but Ghost for sure. You need to be invisible with the flag in your hand.
Perk 2 – Sleight of Hand or Warlord. Sleight of Hand is good for faster reload, but if you use Warlord you can get suppressor AND extended mag on most weapons, making Sleight of Hand unnecessary.
Perk 3 – Marathon, with the intent of working towards Marathon Pro ASAP. No exceptions here.
Killstreaks – Spy Plane, Counter Spy Plane, Care Package.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I like it sounds good to me.ill have more input on strats once we get practicing
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Ok guys just want to add the following to this thread.
Since this is a Squad that Gdubs wants to put together, I believe it is only right to follow the game-plan and set up that he as put together to begin with. If his game-plan doesn't work we can then explore other options.
For example, on HCTD my game-plan is the one being executed when we play. Setting up a perimeter and holding it down has worked not only in Black Ops but also in other games like MW, MW2 AND GRAW 2.
So lets try and execute it like Gdubs has set it up and we can go from there. This doesn't mean that we can't suggest other possibilities. So lets put our thinking caps to work and work together for other possibilities in case this game-plan doesn't work.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
uh, okay. I suggested this two days ago. Headquarters and Capture the Flag.... but that's okay, we can go with Gdubs on this instead. whatever, man.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
@brando for sure i see where you're coming from. i was posting that series of setups as a guideline for general CTF. Obviously, tactics would have to change depending on maps, for instance 3 runners on a map like nuketown versus 2 for array. Positions can be changed based on the map and players on the other team. I'm planning on going over the strategies and such for different map sizes sometime within the next day and i will post them on this thread. I do like the idea of hacker for the escorts, thats why i use it haha
@kapt yep hopefully we can get some more replies to this thread from other members as to whether or not they're interested in it and we can start getting some practices scheduled. till then we can just try these out when we have people online
@cheech thanks BRAH! haha
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
@brando hey man i'm not trying to steal your idea, i'm just trying to put together a specialized team, obviously you and kapt were the first people i wanted to be on it
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I don't think you were stealing my idea... I just was a bit perturbed when told that we'll go with Gdubs since he wants to run with it...
I've figured this clan out now. I have to take initiative, period. Ranks really don't mean much. Active participation does. *sigh*
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
CAG jsbrando wrote:
uh, okay. I suggested this two days ago. Headquarters and Capture the Flag.... but that's okay, we can go with Gdubs on this instead. whatever, man.
I never saw your post where you suggested this 2 days ago brando. It is very easy to miss a reply when the forums are active.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
CAG CheechDogg wrote:
CAG jsbrando wrote:
uh, okay. I suggested this two days ago. Headquarters and Capture the Flag.... but that's okay, we can go with Gdubs on this instead. whatever, man.
I never saw your post where you suggested this 2 days ago brando. It is very easy to miss a reply when the forums are active.
it wasn't a response on a thread, but a whole new thread I created for the purpose.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
In all seriousness, I would really like to make sure that this squad happens. I would really like if the active members of this clan would put their input into this. I've already been putting a lot of work into strategies and would like to know if my time is wasted. Thank you.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
iLL, your time is NOT wasted. I have played days of CTF. I put in my thoughts because I am interested in playing CTF as a team... however, if all we can get is you and myself, we'll still kick ass!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
thank you brando, i know i have you and the kapt so if thats what we have to run with then we'll just have to do some specialty recruiting in game!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Ok guys all this bullshit aside,Its time to start recruiting and playing in some real matches and having practices. I like to have fun, but i wanna destroy other clans.So lets do this shite and quit efffin around.we have so much talent lets rip it up,CTF style
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
For sure Kapt. I really want to get this squad off the ground. I am probably going to be on a lot tomorrow, i'm thinking about leaving school on saturday morning to drive back home for spring break so if you guys could possibly do maybe a 10pm CST meeting tomorrow night? If not, then my other option would be some time on sunday, other than that i'll be on pretty sporadically throughout the weekend. So basically. Anyone. If you're interested in doing a CTF squad, please be on tomorrow, kapt and brando, please let me know if you can do that time tomorrow/when a good time for you would be. Thanks a lot
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
You know im In Gdubs, so what ever you need me to do in the game I am up for it. Even if its to sit back in and guard our flag. Whatever it is I am all in.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I can probably do that time... I'll be sure to get online... I'm cool with any position on the field, but it'd be good if we all create multiple classes so we can change it up every once in awhile.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I finally got my marathon pro, so i am ready to Usain Bolt some bitches
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Alright men. Tonight we will be having an organized practice for the CTF squad. If you are interested in running with us, I would like to get a full party of 6 going. As of right now, kapt and i will be the runners for tonight, i have marathon pro and kapt is damn close to it, and my runners neeed to have marathon pro. So if you are interested, be on tonight, we'll prolly be on all night so feel free to jump in if we have openings. I know that kapt will be on, so please reply to this thread and let me know if you can attend. After tonight, i hope to get a better bearing on what we can do and who the members that will excel in this squad are. This is also important for those of you who want to stay in this squad, because we will be beginning to formulate our strategies for all of the maps. We will be running through public matches, possibly doing private, but for now I would just like to keep it in private matches to see what we've got. Also, if you're new to this, please check the earlier part of this thread where i have posted my class setups and killstreak setups. If you are planning on playing with us tonight, I would like for you to have all three of those class setups ready to go. Thanks a lot and see you on the battlefield!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
pshaw, man... you know I'll be there!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
For sure dawg! I knew you'd be there! By the way, did you see your new promotion? Sergeant Brando!! You've been very active so far in the clan and this whole 2v2 tourney, absolutely awesome by the way, is really setting you apart. Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield tonight!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I had not seen the promotion... sweet... and thanks!
Hopefully we get enough turnout for the tourney we can put them on more often in the future.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
haha i felt like it was needed and so did cheech, this tourney thing should turn into some very fun times haha as will this CTF squad.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I want to get a Headquarters squad together as well. I thought we had a S&D squad, but I haven't really seen any S&D action from our clan since my first night.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Great session tonight guys. I'll be honest, that was f'n incredible.. I had high hopes for this squad and from what i saw tonight, i think we definetly have that ability. As long as the communication and teamwork is there, we are unbeatable. The only thing I want to repeat is that we need to have people watching the flag at all times. At the very very least we need to have 1 person watching the flag, if not two. If the flag disappears then we need to know where it is going, which i think we did a very good job at tonight. I want this squad to become elite. I'm looking for the best players of the clan, i'm not talking statistics, i'm talking teamwork and communication. I would like to have at least a solid 6 player team for sure. I am also looking for extras, so if you did not get into the games tonight then no problem, we'll probably have another practice either this week or next weekend. For sure, I want kapt, brando, and cheech in the squad. For those of you that i just named, if you could confirm your engagement in this squad that would be great. Splash, i know you're pretty new, but you showed a great deal of promise tonight, once you register, i'd like for you to respond to this thread with whether or not you would be up for taking part in my CTF squad. Fardeki, same with you, you showed quite a bit tonight, but i do understand the time contraint that we have with you. It doesn't seem like much of a problem right now haha but i'd just like to know what you think, so please respond to this thread as well. Other than that, anyone else that is interested, please post on this thread! Thanks a lot, and once again, great job tonight!
-General Gdubs
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I'd like to second what dubya said. Great session. The only time we lost or were pushed hard was when our communication and assignments broke down. It's easy for that to happen sometimes, and we understand patience as a guard is difficult, but patience also can be rewarding...
Dubya, I'm in for sure!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
IM stoked,we did great last night.We lost maybe 5 CTF all night.IM still up for it guys.It was fun and serious.I agree with dubya,we need this squad to be the best.So moving forward guys lets do it. I have faith in you
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I have not played CTF and had so much fun as I did last night with you guys. Let me apologize for "jinxing" us though first. So sorry you guys, I "jinxed" it!
What I learned last night?
1. We can be unstopable
2. CTF takes more patience, discipline and collaboration from the whole Team
3. Once the 1st flag is taken, 1 person should stay behind ready to take the 2nd one and so on
4. Defenders should probably be the ones always equipped with strelas
5. Someone should always try and get a kill streak to wipe out the other team
CTF is once again my favorite Game mode to play. As long as we understand that each of us has a responsibility and role during games, we are golden. Lets keep it up and prepare ourselves for some Tourneys and Ladder matches soon!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
To elaborate on what Cheech has said here are some more observations from last night...
Strategy observations from CTF night 1.
2 runners, 2 escorts, and 2 guards worked well on most maps.
We need to continue with good communication:
Call out second chance players when they're downed so others don't run into them.
Call out which direction the enemy flag runner has taken our flag.
Call out which direction you die and see enemy approaching.
We did all this well, but we can always improve.
All good CTF, as well as any other round based gaming teams, do well is they hold almost all their kill streak rewards till the 2nd round. The only kill streaks we need to use in Round 1 are spy plane and counter spy plane. Save the rest for round 2 and 3 if necessary.
We also need to work on our kill streak options for each player. The breakdown should be something like the following:
Runner 1 - Spy plane, Counter spy plane, Care Package
Runner 2 - Spy plane, Counter spy plane, SAM Turret or Sentry Gun
Escort 1 - RC-XD, Care Package, Cobra
Escort 2 - RC-XD, Napalm Strike, Mortar Team
Guard 1 - Spy plane, Sentry Gun, Blackbird
Guard 2 - Spy plane or Sentry gun, Cobra, Blackbird or Dogs
Imagine you lose round 1, but closely, and you have hope... Round 2 begins, and the enemy drops a Cobra, Mortar Team, Blackbird, Dogs, and another Cobra on you within the first 2 minutes of round 2... Hope is gone... That's what an elite team does to others. Elevate hope and then eliminate it completely.
We will not lose if we play smart, stick to our assignments, and communicate!
CAG jsbrando
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
So very true brando, I am really excited about this Squad. We need to set up practices maybe each day for the next 2 weeks and then we can sign up in Gamebattles or paybackgames.com.
So lets get this thing going everyone!