Originally Posted by
MoB Corleone352
Ft1- Leader
-Blkhawkirish86 (us)
Ft1- Rifleman
-8 Ball (us)
-Mykmansun77 (us)
-Rainydaiz (us)
Ft-2 Leader
-Nunobomber (us)
Ft2- Rifleman
-Colonel Sauveee (us)
-Xgunner07x (us)
-Merzin8 (us)
Ft-3 Leader
-Killsteez541 (us)
Ft3 Rifleman
-Fsu-Noles-2323 (us)
-Kyle117 (us)
This thread is for Alpha Squad! Please check the roster and change your profile as needed!!!
- This thread is going to be used for suggestions, attendance records, a place where we can all talk!
- I am not going to give a personal background story because I know you all and I game with you all regularly!
I would like to see forum activity amped up a little and trust me I will be keeping a eye out!
-I like to think we all have ideas and I know I have a few which I will be getting with the FTL's about that!
-If you have a Idea, suggestion ETC. Don't hesitate to post it!!!
- My only rule is to HAVE FUN!(of course you have to still follow the standard CAG rules and guidelines)