Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start my friend. Keep that shit up.
We got good people here in Whiskey on the 360...we'll all help you out as much as we can.
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start Isheridan92. We'll get your marksman done in no time.
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start bud! Keep it up and you will be done with marksman in no time!
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Nice job bro, keep up the good work
Sent from Dr Evils hideout while using tapatalk
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Yep...great job man. And good to see you getting down with the Bad Company boys. Keep it up!
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Sorry man I had to get of last night before I could get into a game with ya. The wife wanted some quality time and I'm not one to go against her lol anything for a quiet life an all lol
Sent from my iPhone using the power of the mind
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
nice going bro, if you need help with marksman throw me a friends request on xbox.
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
haha no worries johnbai thats pretty understandable .
sgtkamikazebear yea theres no problem with not counting the last one my total is 124 then sure its only 7 kills
,cheers for all the support lads ! ,yea ill have to add some uk guys soon but btw im irish not from the uk ...but we dont need to open that can of worms so to speak haha
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Confirmed my man, send me a friend request I'll accept tomorrow :)
Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
I will add you when I get back on xbox, here my GT: SliverBulletFPS
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Originally Posted by
Good job man just so everything is uniform all marksman games are posted here
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
I can confirm your kills bro
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
played with ch3dz johnbai84 sgtkamikazebear rzaraysharp cagraz
3 kills silk road rush
3 kills lancang dam rush
6 kills lancang dam rush
2 kills flood zone rush
7 kills seige of shanghai
11 kills seige of shanghai rush
3 kills lancang dam rush
2 kills lancang dam rush
37 + 131= 168 total,
horrible lag for me through all these matches somehow then managed to snap the wire to my headset while throwing a hissie fit haha hope i can sort out getting another one soon ,probly be back on later on without it though
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Confirmed man.glad to at least played a bit with u when u weren't lagging out.
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Last lot of my games are confirmed man good to play with u.well knock the rest out tonight if ur around
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Great job kicking ass
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Doing good. Keep It going. You'll be there sooner than u know it
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
this is how it's done. keep it up mate
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
played with cag raz and johnbai 84
17 kills zavod 311 rush
211+17 =228
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Confirmed man good job
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Awesomw man almost done keep on kicking ass n have fun
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Cracking stuff my friend...glad to see you enjoying CAG. Keep it up...not far to go!
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good job man keep up the great work.
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Confirmed from my end
Battlefield Brigade
1st Lieutenant