Whiskey Company, 1st Platoon (XB1) Competitive Team Sign Up!
Alright, you all Battlefield CAG Members & Recruits.
All recruits must complete your marksman and 30 days of being active on forum and on xbox 360 or One to sign up for Competitive Team.
Anyone who interest in signing up for Competitive Team, then post here. I will create a Competitive Roster ASAP. Two weeks to post here if your interest.
What I looking for -
Gamer Name:
Hours and Days Available for Practice (Practice either 2 or 3 days a week):
What Your Best Objective You good at:
What Your Worst Objective You Not good at:
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
if you want some help organizing this brotal let me know.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I hate to be "that guy", but if there's going to be a truly competitive team, there should probably be minimum stats, no?
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I possible going use the MLG application for BF at this moment no.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Good shit brotal
I'm Toxicbob and I approve this message
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I will apply when the time comes and if I'm chosen
Sent from the Saint
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Hey Celtics,
There is no who going be chosen and who not. Starting right now I letting all BF members know if you think you ready to sign up then sign up. At this moment I shut downing all scrimmage till I get all the competitive team ready to go. I tired of people complain and argument after they lost the scrim and also blaming on someone else fault. I not going explain here, but if you want talk about it we talk in private. I just looking forward who interested in sign up.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Every day after 5 pm est
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I'm down!
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
im in too
from the dark waterz
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
MoB Corleone352
I can practice for multiple hours Fri and Sat.
I am good at flanker and playing the objective.
I am not good at defuse and sniping.
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I'm available fri-sun all day
Strong medic/support
And very weak at recon
Sent from the Saint
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
I'm available on weekends 12 am onwards.
Strong recon
Weak medic/support
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Mon - Wed, Fri after 5pm est.
Sat and Sun are open. If not busy
Im a great medic, Support, and engineer. I like to play CTF, Conquest, and Obliteration
Im can be recon, not the best tho
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Larry6976, I'm still a recruit but should be done with probation by the time this gets going.
Strong eng/recon
Good medic/support
Will ply as needed by the team setup and map.
I like dom/rush/ pretty much any map and mode but I prefer to ply without choppers and tanks. I can snipe well and I like to run n gun. My fav is operation locker rush
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
You have no idea how bad I want to do this but doubt I can make it work with my schedule
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
i would like throw my hat into the ring. i can practice whenever, anytime any day. very flexible. good medic/engi/support if needed. PTFO. good at armor. can fly jets and choppers, but prefer to gun. can teach others armor, infy and flying basic's and strat's.
i have little to no interest in Infy game modes (Defuse and DOM). i'm not interested in fighting from head glitch to head glitch and i refuse to play that way.
just a heads up for all who have shown interest, playing competitively is not for the faint of heart. we will get our shit pushed back and often so please be aware, prepared, and able to handle it. remember guys its just a game and we should always strive to enjoy it and our time together!
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Am in dude
Monday tuesday wednesday friday 6:30 - 10pm British Time
Weekend I can do 10am-10pm if its a competition British time again
Domination / team death / squad death
Conquest - but I dont no if am bad or not
Think it might be good to put people in teams and test what people are good at and who people play good with. Just a thought need hand with anything buddy happy to help
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
any news with this? where we at?
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
We need to get asome practices going
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
i know most of teams from the Defuse Tourney are still looking to scrim to get practice in and what not.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Yeah we should set up a practice. Work on our teamwork and strageties for each game mode and map
Sent from the penalty box
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
i'd have to check with Brotal before anything could get set up. if he doesn't see the bumps by tomorrow i'll PM him and see whats up.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Yeah guys def check this out with pawz or brotal as we don't need repercussions like last time.this needs to be done right.
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Sign me up usually any time on weekends and after 6 on weekdays CT any mode and class any vehicle.
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
probably should have been mentioned this is more a XB1 thing. if we are going for LevelBF stuff, which to my understanding we were, they are currently only doing stuff for next gen consoles.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Alright you all, Shit been going crazy for past weeks between BF and COD side that need to deal with. At this moment, the roster is being work on and there still time to sign up till March 14 is the dead line. At this moment, I figureing out who on one or who on 360 for BF competitive team. I know time wasting, but practice schedule is going be up ASAP some time by this week. There will be rules and consequences that will be added to the BF competitive team, any further information I will post here ASAP.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Ok get that ball rolling
I'm Toxicbob and I approve this message
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Alright you all BF competitive team who interest in signing up. The Roster and schedule for practice will be posted by tomorrow. If you got put in wrong gaming system let me know ASAP, I will also choice two dedication of leadership who willing to take in charge of competitive team on one and 360.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Not sure if you know brotal but I'm back on 360 mate, more option with people to play with.
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Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Alright this is the roster for competitive team. Anyone who have any suggestion about switching one to 360 or 360 to one. This is the time before the meeting I going set up a meeting before practice going start by next week. However, on what I heard from pawz, any who decided not be interest in join the competitive team or being on the roster, then this your time to step out.
During the meeting, I also will be talking about rules and policy. For 360, I will figure out something out and seems like 360 doesn't have enough players who interest in signing up, but I get with guys in party during the meeting. On one side, it seems distance also.
After looking though everyone available time schedule. The best time for everyone for practice Friday 10:00pm eastern time and Sat 9:00pm eastern time. Meeting going be held this Saturday 9:00pm eastern time March 15 on the one and for 360 10:00pm eastern time.
MoB Coreleone352
Waiting list
Larry - Waiting to complete his probation
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
we only have 6 so what game mode will we be practicing with the intent of playing competitively in the future? also, what will practice consist of? as in pub stomping, scrims, etc;
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Looks like defuse it is...
Sent from the penalty box
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
haha good one gunner.
EDIT - also can i ask what your role will be brotal? do you plan on playing competitively? i haven't played with you since i was working on my marksman so i hope if you do plan on playing competitively you start playing more.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Gamer Name: CGC Rage
Hours and Days Available for Practice (Practice either 2 or 3 days a week): Mondays and Weekends, Varies week to week
What Your Best Objective You good at: Rush
What Your Worst Objective You Not good at: Domination
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
U no that's 2am start for me so just to have 1 hour would be until 3am
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Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
That should be okay 2am GMT
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Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
Can I attend one of these meeting in case my schedule changes.
Re: Whiskey Battlefield Competitve Team Sign Up!
dom and conquest
pst most days 12pm to 9pm
practice sounds good