The first of many.
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The first of many.
Nice work my the music ;-)
Look forward to seeing more as you become more creative!
sent from the edge of your perception
Not so much a compilation. This happened while I was playing last night.
Tried out some different editing styles on this one. Not sure how I feel about them yet.
Here's a Scout Elite quickie.
Also, sorry pisspawz :biggrin1:
Nice that tune too...Hearts of Courage.
sent from the edge of your perception
Thanks! Youtube keeps fudging up some of the timing and lags it a bit. They'd be better if it weren't for that...
Working on the JNG-90 vid right now... It's gonna be the coolest one yet (hopefully).
Yep, it's the coolest one yet :D And also the reason why I wasn't online tonight. should also check out The Immediate. Their album Trailerhead Saga I think it is...the tune I'm thinking of is called Tales of the Electric Romeo.
It's a bit more fast paced...but might go well with this kind of thing.
The Immediate have done a few albums.
sent from the edge of your perception
I love this the tune makes all come together.
Out shooting icicles from my neighbors houses with a 44 mag
New video w/ the 338 Recon. Spent the better part of 3 hours editing it to get it perfect.
Superb the tune too...great work.
sent from the edge of your perception
That one was by far the hardest one to edit (so far, anyway). Getting things to transition perfectly the way they did was a giant pain in the arse.
It was worth it my friend. :-)
sent from the edge of your perception
Forgot to throw this up here when I uploaded it. Archangel, you should recognize the tune.
Tried out a different editing software for this one, so I didn't go as in-depth with the editing like I have previously.
Nice work man...think that tune went quite well...frantic sniping.
Nice shooting too dude...I especially like how you headshot a dude then expertly side step the incoming rocket...very smooth man...very smooth.
Good shit :-)
sent from the edge of your perception
After being ridiculously busy for the past week, I'm finally uploading the next video. Should be up in a few hours.
I gave up on the 8 hour upload LOL. My internet sucks, will be retrying it later in a place with better internet.
Here's the new one.
Nice man...good work...stylish that one.
sent from the edge of your perception
Here's a quick one I just threw together. The next video may be all of the times that I've killed Archangel and/or Crooky :peace:
Lol...I think we all traded rounds fairly tonight but I fear you may edge it by one or two ;-)
Good games as always mate.
And great vids! Enjoyed watching some Rex ownage, even if I was on the end of one of them lol.
Keep that shit up :-)
sent from the edge of your perception
Nice one DirtRider very good compilations keep it up.think ur choice of music in each vid was good.good gaming with u
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New one for you guys. Archangel, you were spared for this video ;) Tried out some different editing techniques as well on this one. It took me roughly 4 hours to edit.
Haha...thanks dude...although Ghost got a small pasting!
I like how you're trying different ways to make your videos. Keep it up man.
sent from the edge of your perception
Nobody is free from the wrath of my rifle....
Hey man. Like the videos. I would like to have the equipment to do videos like this. Keep it up Dirtrider.
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Good job mate, CAG on CAG action. Nice to see RZA come and get his own back on you lol.
sent from the edge of your perception
Here's a new one.
Nice work there dude. And way to own the field with your shotty. Thumbs up sir!
sent from the edge of your perception
I gotta agree with archangel nice job with the shotty and the video I'm new to the forums and a recruit of the clan so I'm just browsing around solid work though I'd love to be able to make some videos like that
Thanks guys. And welcome to the madhouse Makaveli ;)
Working on the H&K MOD 0 right now. I plan on using Letters Home From the Garden Of Stone - Everlast for it.