Introduction And Welcome
Hello some of you guys already know me, but for the ones who don't I'm Eagle the CO of Whiskey Company. Right now we are not as big but we are growing and have a solid group of guys that are awesome all around people. A little back ground on me I have been with CAG for over 5 years now and don't plan on leaving anytime soon! I'm also a 13f (fister) in the Army stationed in Ft Hood Texas. I enjoy strategies and trying to come up with many ways to accomplish the mission in Battlefield. I have an open door policy meaning any problems you have with anyone in the clan I will listen and help you out to the best of my abilities. With my open door policy I want you guys coming to me before you any higher! Do NOT go to anyone above me for any circumstances! I have an awesome chain of command under me and they all should be able to handle your problems before they get to me but if not I will be here. CAG D4RKY is my XO and an awesome officer who I'm honored to serve with and he will go far here in CAG. All the enlisted guys are also a great help and I am honored to serve with them as well and all are here to help you succeed. As we all know its a new year and I hope to get this Company in a more organized form therefore I want all lower enlisted to report to your fire team leaders at least once a week, I will let them set that up at their discretion, Fire team leaders will report to their squad leaders, and squad leaders to your platoon sergeant. Once a week I will attempt to hold a meeting with all enlisted members, and also with all officers in a different meeting. Any gripes, concerns, suggestions, and pains please post in the thread that I will post and monitor every day. With that I will try to hold a meeting with enlisted men sometime this weekend please respond when you guys are available and officers we will hold our normal meeting Sunday at 2100 est.
CO Whiskey Company
Well said matey
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I would like all Alpha squad fire team 2 members to respond to this post please. Eagle, great job with this post.
Need Charlie to show themselves front and centre and respond to this as well.
raz u need to respond to the meeting time as a well to let eagle know what time/day suits u.as for the rest of Charlie I expect a response from Ch3dz,Archangel,and pithy kez if he's still Charlie.
i myself could prob make either a Monday or Thursday night as I'm off work the next day and if it's not held to late with timezones I'd be there
Archangel reporting in. Good to go most evenings with advance notice.
sent from the back o' da bus.
I work the M-F standard work day thing. Evenings and weekends are open.
yes eveings for me too would be great
I have work then night school mon-thur so I'm good fri-sun evenings
Sent from the DOG TAG collector
Sat thru Monday evenings are good for me.. Just need a little notice.
Stuck in Hell with Noobs and Blueberries
Evenings and weekends are best for me.
work has been heavy during the weekdays though.
Fireteam 3 leader here, I currently work until Febuary Day work, with Tuesday nights being the only night I dont game (Volunteer Firefighter and thats my training/drill night)
I have my cell listed on another form in the BF section, fee free to shoot me a text.
breaksk81 checking in for alpha 2nd plt a-2bravo fireteam leader i can be on when ever im needed just let me know
Checking in on most week days after 3 p.m. EST and playing regularly with kuj and the gang, also I need to figure out some things cuz I'm pretty sure you're stationed out there with my sis! Small world!
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Introduction And Welcome
I will be on my One this tonite (sat) and on sunday as well.
Other than that most evenings work for me
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My schedule is never set, being an MP with changes happening daily. But I'll be on in a little bit, and I'll be on for a bit tomorrow.
I can make time with notice, evenings Thursday-Sunday preferable. Thank you!