Sniping - a Dismal Failure
Well...I thought I'd play one on so I thought I'd try unlocking some sniper kit.
I seriously suck at being sniper. Need some mentoring on that shit. Gonna look on YouTube for some hints and advice etc...but any CAG with pointers will be gratefully received.
In the meantime, I'm done with bf4 for my skill has been reduced by rather a lot. The mood is dark...but tomorrow is a new day.
sent from the back o' da bus.
Sniping - a Dismal Failure
I agree Rush is the best game mode for sniping as you can watch the objectives and there are only 2. There are usually other snipers to have battles with as well.
A good tip for starters is always try to miss ahead of the target if he is on the move. It is easy to miss behind and this is likely where you will miss most of your shots.
If you do find yourself in a closer quarters situation I often get one shot on with the rifle then switch to your pistol to finish him off with one or two shots.
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