This is a poll you guys, please make sure you guys are voting.
Are you getting COD Ghosts ?
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This is a poll you guys, please make sure you guys are voting.
Are you getting COD Ghosts ?
Not sure yet...
P.S. - the title hurt me a little inside
6 days untile Ghost.
hell to the Yeah Im getting it
Yes at midnight
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Hell yeah I am . I will be in line for the release passing out cards and as soon as I get the game I'm going home to bust a all nighter :thumbup:
Ill vote as soon as I get back to my desk :D
I'll going to be there from 7pm until midnight! I got parent teacher conferences that night
Sent from my galaxy S III
I'm picking it up a midnight
Live life to fullest h
Owning people on Ghosts with CAG? Sign me up!
I'll get it at midnight but can only play til like 4.
Sent from a classified location
Already paid for
Sent from a classified location.
No me broke
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ill be at the midnight.
Il be getting it at some point but money situation is tight atm but il get it at some point depending on reviews of the game also.
And you know Big C is getting it .
Locked & Loaded!
I had a chance to play it last night. It's not what I expected honestly.
10 mind baby and it's frikin cold standing out here
Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2
Line outside my game stop
Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2
I have it in steam! No more console play for me
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
I will get it eventually. Just feel it is the same stuff over and over and I'm starting to feel like a bit of a sheep buying it.
Cod Ghosts is really fun :D
(The Honey Badger is really, really, OP!!!)